Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Bastardi and Shepherd Talk Career, Climate Change, Forecast Busts (and Successes)

By: Dr. Marshall Shepherd , 12:17PM,GMT on September 23,2015

Some said that it wasn't possible..........They don't see eye to eye on the climate issue..........

But if you missed Part 1 of Weather Geeks with Joe Bastardi, you missed a treat. Such a great show.

Sunday's show proved once again that Weather Geekdom is a powerful thing. Even more powerful are personal relationships. Over the course of the past few months, Joe Bastardi and I have privately messaged each other, and the reality is that we have a lot more in common than we disagree on.

This Sunday we discuss one of the areas that we disagree on. However, part of the reason I wanted to have Joe on the show is that I want to change the tone. I want to move people from the vitriolic, childish discourse that I currently see in social media and other outlets on climate. I also believe we need to remove this notion of "which side or you on" or "liberal vs conservative issue". I have always operated from the perspective that it is better to interact with people that don't just confirm you personal biases.

For this reason, I invited Joe Bastardi, Chief Meteorologist at Weather Bell Analytics, to come to the show. Frankly, we knew many people would see this as a risk for many reasons. But when we started Weather Geeks we vowed that it would be a resource for the science community and public. We also vowed to cover topics credibly and without sensationalism. Executive Producer Mike Chesterfield captured it nicely in a recent Tweet where he basically said "I am glad we are sticking to our original goals when we started the show."

I am not and will never be a fan of the "dueling talking heads" on climate in talk show formats. I find that useless and gives the notion of false balance relative to the peer review literature. However, I am willing to talk intelligently and with respect on the topic without the "drama". On this show, we achieve that goal. I think Joe and I both agree that more climate background is needed in meteorology programs as expertise in meteorology is not necessarily expertise in climatology and vice-versa. How many meteorology programs have required courses in paleoclimatology, physical climatology, applied climatology, time series analysis, objective analysis, and climate policy? Not too many. Most meteorologists had 1 basic climate course (that was my initial experience until I went to graduate school).

Anyhow, when you watch Sunday, Joe and I discuss climate and still depart friends. Even if we disagree. That is all that I want people to get out of the discussion Sunday.

However, the show is much more than that topic. I just loved finding out more about how Joe got into meteorology and his career trajectory from Accuweather to WeatherBell Analytics. We also discuss his greatest forecast successes and failures. Embedded within this discussion are layers of weather geek terminology and personal stories that you will enjoy.

As with last week's advice for true weather geeks: Be sure to watch Weather Geeks this Sunday at Noon ET (11 am CT, 10 am MT, 9 am PT) and tell a friend.

As a heads up, we have some great future shows on deck: 1. weather, climate and animals with two biological and zoological experts, 2. IMETs, and 3. Paleoclimatology featuring a colleague featured in a recent Showtime documentary.

Follow @WxGeeksTWC or @DrShepherd2013 on Twitter.

Find us on Facebook at WxGeeks (Link) or Dr. Marshall Shepherd (Link)

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