By Alex Sosnowski, Senior Meteorologist
March 6,2015; 10:47PM,EST
As arctic air is held at bay next week, warmth will build from the West to the Central states, while the temperatures rebound to seasonable levels in the Northeast.
A change in the weather pattern will turn off arctic air invasions to allow the March sun to go to work over much of the central and northeastern United States for the second week of the month.
While the official arrival of spring is a couple of weeks away, winter is finally showing signs of wavering.

The pattern will be more than just a tease for a day and is likely to bring the highest weekly average temperatures since last December in many areas of the Midwest and East.
"We expect mild Pacific air to flow from west to east across the nation next week, which will keep arctic air locked up over central Canada," Paquette said.
While the extensive snow cover and ice on area streams and rivers will remain a concern for flooding and ice jams moving forward through March, a significant amount of snow cover will be lost.
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The extensive snow cover will balance out the warmup in the Upper Midwest and Northeast.
"As successive high pressure areas settle in, the combination of snow cover and clear, calm conditions at night will allow for some chilly early morning low temperatures in the Northeast," Paquette said.
As a result, the Northeast will not get as warm as areas farther west in the central Plains.
Despite this, daytime highs should reach or exceed average during multiple days for the middle of March, even in the Northeast.

The strengthening March sun results in average temperatures trending upward by a degree every few days during the middle and latter part of the month.

Temperatures will climb into the 40s and 50s around the Great Lakes and into the 50s and 60s over parts of the Plains and the Ohio and Tennessee valleys this coming week.
In the Northeast, highs most days will range from the upper 30s to the 40s in New England and the 40s and 50s farther south in the mid-Atlantic for the second week of March.
Even warmer weather is likely for much of the Central and Eastern states for the third week of the month.
Some chilly episodes may follow into April along with a couple of cold storms, typical of spring.
Spring officially arrives on March 20, at 6:45 p.m. EDT. Remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour before going to bed this Saturday night.
- Victor Chevalier · Swatara, PennsylvaniaI am constantly seeing people bash AccuWeather, here in the comments.
Here is an idea for those who are always bashing and trying to instigate here.
By the way, I did just that. 30 years in weather forecasting, 25 years as a Meteorologist.
I don't always agree with other Weather Forecasters, however, I respect them, because I know how difficult predicting the weather can be.
If you do not like AccuWeather, why do you come here to their website?
I am sure the Keyboard Gangsters will be commenting with their stupidity on this comment.
It is to be expected from those of lower intelligence.- Nick Varnalis · Top Commenter
- Meteorological Weather LabVictor Chevalier is actually right. This situation does not only reside here on Accuweather, Both "Well trained" and "Amateur Meteorologist" has to be bombarded with criticism and forecast bashing from others who wouldn't have the slightest clue as to what is going to happen between the dates of (March 14th through the 18th of this year) for example. Let the Meteorologist both "Trained" and "Amateur" do what they love to do which is to forecast the weather and "Obtain field experience" from it by going out into the storm and experiencing the awesome power of nature for themselves, Meteorology is not just about being behind a desk with model guidance data, it is also about being out into the storm as well. No not every forecast is perfect which is why getting better at forecasting is a "Learning Process" One is to learn from their mistakes and get better, not repeat them over and over again. So in conclusion I agree, Yes, Stop Bashing Meteorologist for the work they do, One has no idea how difficult, how many models, the type of atmospheric conditions and patterns from previous years one has to look at just to forecast for a week or more in advance!
- Victor Chevalier · Swatara, PennsylvaniaNick Varnalis It only shows ignorance and disrespect. Just as you just showed.
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityThis article is so miss leading because the overall pattern for March, will be cold in the East. Watch what happens later this month.
- Paul Berger · Top Commenter · Sheepshead Bay High School
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityThe basic atmospheric pattern being a ridge in the West U.S.A , and a trough in the East.
Usually with a +AO, +NAO one would not expect this type of pattern but I think the Pacific Ocean temperature distribution trumped everything this winter as far as the prevailing atmospheric patterns which evolved..- Peekay Serendipitous · Follow · Top Commenter · Doorman at Schafer Hall at St. Mary's College of Maryland
- James Procak · Top Commenter · Warwick, New YorkI'll take upper 40's for a few days. After the last 5 or 6 weeks it'll feel like 80F.
- Peekay Serendipitous · Follow · Top Commenter · Doorman at Schafer Hall at St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Frank Prio · Top Commenter · Managing Broker-Attorney at Self employedLooks to warm nicely here in Chicago next week.
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityBetween March 16-March 20th a colder pattern should return. This basic atmospheric pattern has been in place more or less for the past two years in general and it should continue as long as the Pacific Sea Surface Temperature anomalies remain in place which looks to be the case going forward.
- Kyle Marks · Top Commenter · Mexico, New York
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Labelling/General Assistant with Industrial Supply Products at Independent Distributors Inc.I think this warmup (If it comes) may be tempered in the Eastern Great Lakes and Northeast due to the heavy snowpack. Heck, models have been all over the place in recent days.
- Matthew White · Top Commenter
- Grant McGuire · Top Commenter · Western Connecticut State University
- Paul Berger · Top Commenter · Sheepshead Bay High SchoolWhere did the headline "snowstorm for NYC...." go? It seems to have been taken down? Perhaps it was a bit premature and rethought.
- Linda Redhair · Top Commenter · Excelsior Springs High
- Kelly O'Connor · East Aurora, New YorkFinally I see my little corner of the world below the jet stream division between cold and warm :)
- Derrick Cornell Cephas · Top Commenter · Eleanor Roosevelt High SchoolI guess April will be above normal 80-85 degree days.
- Peekay Serendipitous · Follow · Top Commenter · Doorman at Schafer Hall at St. Mary's College of MarylandDerrick, I wish, but after listening to Paul (long-range meteorologist), I have to concur with Cory :(. I think that annoying PNA + will redevelop and send that ridge into the arctic, forcing cold air down here. However, due to the higher sun angle, the cold won't be as severe. Hopefully it won't, but I have to wait until May for sustained warmth. But that is not to say that there will be an 80 degree day before hand, just don't see it yet.
- Joshua Wade · Follow · Owensboro, KentuckyThere is absolutely no way spring will come this March. It will be April 2015 and I would expect 20-24 inches of snow in Owensboro this April. I hope this is false because I was expecting spring to come early or at least earlier than last year, but now I'm expecting a MAD LATE start to spring this year because April will be COLD this year. True spring will not arrive until at least early-May.
By the way, the National Park Service predicted this year's peak bloom to be April 11-14, which not only will it be later than last year, but an extremely late peak bloom this year. The latest peak bloom was April 18, 1958, and I'm expecting this year's peak bloom to be LATER than April 11-18. My accurate prediction for this year's Yoshino peak bloom in Washington D.C. will be either April 21-24 or May 11-14. May 14th would be my most reasonable prediction for this year's peak bloom. That's mad late for peak bloom, but that's the most accurate date I could predict for this year's peak bloom because it'll be REALLY COLD this March and April.
Trust me, spring will come EXTREMELY LATE this year, and I'm not talking about wait-until-April late like last year AND the year before, I'm talking about wait-until-May late, which has never happened before and it will happen this year because 2015 is the coldest year on record, beating the previous cold record of 2014. - Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityThe Pacific Sea Surface temperature distribution has been key in giving us this type of atmospheric pattern. This has not changed therefore the pattern in general should prevail for the most part with some deviations from time to time, but not the rule.
I mean even with a +AO,+NAO and recently a -PNA still the pattern has remained intact.
Going forward the AO will be trending more neg. while the PNA will be trending positive which should reestablish the pattern we had most of the winter despite these indices during winter being unfavorable. Now that these indexes look more favorable post Mar.15 then anytime in the winter for this pattern which we had despite these indexes not being favorable I do not see how the pattern we had most of the winter will not exert itself once again , probably post Mar.15. - John Durant · Follow · Top Commenter · 130 followersMarch will be just as cold as February. There will be no pattern change and no warmup. We shall not see the ground before mid May that the earliest, if ever. Arctic air will just keep on coming down. My forecast Tomorrow (friday) High 17. Saturday's high 25. Sunday will hit 32 or 33 followed by another snowstorm and then another arctic blast for Monday. Highs Moday and Tuesday will be around 20 with lows from 2 above to 5 below. Wednesday my get into the 30's to be followed by another snowstorm and arctic blast for next Thursday and Friday. The following week, Wash rinse repeat. Winter will never end. I wish I could move to California. At least they get nice weather unlike the miserable northeast.
- Zack Hodgson · Top Commenter · Woodstock High School
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityThe basic atmospheric Weather Pattern as dictated by Pacific Sea Surface temperatures has not changed contrary to what this article is indicating. Expect the Eastern half of the nation to experience below avg. temperatures for the balance of March following a brief mild spell.
This should become more apparent starting around Mar 15. - Chris FloydI love your meteorological and climatological blogs. And it is impossible to not be impressed with the accuracy of weather models. But I do not think it is necessary to respond to climate denying trolls (especially uneducated ones like "Nick Varnalis"). Just ignore them and keep up the great work that you all do at Accuweather!
- Joshua Wade · Follow · Owensboro, KentuckyI apologize for the insanity from earlier, I tend to have a seasonal depression from time-to-time, especially in February and March. Anyway, I'm glad winter will finally be over by March 20, the Vernal Equinox. First time spring will be sprung in March since 2012, eh?
- Curt Wood · Owner at Self-EmployedIn Minneapolis last year it was -10 on March 3rd and hit 50 degrees the first day on March 10th, same pattern this year. Last year the cold oscillated as it is now and on the week of March 20th, as Salvatore indicates, it was down to single digit lows. This is now our new pattern. This includes a shift in the water cycle bringing early heavy rains across the Plaines as the snow pack in the Rockies thaws rapidly, and gives way to late summer droughts. The North America Monsoon seasons have altered due to the heat in the west.
- PJL PhotographyI love how everyone is an expert at what is going to happen. Why not just let mother nature be mother nature and leave the predicting to the wishcasters. Some of you might be right or you might be wrong. Is winter done? it very could be or it very well could go on for longer. It might warm up and stay warm or it might stay cold the entire spring. Who knows!
- Kyle Marks · Top Commenter · Mexico, New York
- PJL PhotographyKyle Marks You're right, it's weather discussion, not weather bashing. Comments like the one you just made make you look foolish.
- Mark Smith · Norther Kentucky UniversityI guess one reason people bash them is how can one predict a one degree temperature change in 50 years, I still have no idea how this can be done, but one cant predict next week's weather.
- Kevin Privinik · Top CommenterOur local forecasters said yesterday that it will get to about 55F middle of next week. Tonite that was already trimmed to 45-48F, then a cooldown end of next week with back to 30's. Never mind that by the end of next week normal is about 47F in my area. At least if we can melt this snow next week, so that the next warm up, if it ever comes can be better as we would have no snow on the ground to offset it.
- Kevin Privinik · Top CommenterTrue, unless there is a strong south wind we can get much higher since we are on the south shore of the lake and the air only crosses land to get here. By the time out last over 50F was 54F (12C) on January 4th 2015 before it all caved in. Where you are at, sometmes you miss ou on these big winter warm ups as most of the times a air comes from any southerly direction it has to cross a larger body of water fo the most part.
- David Colantuono · Top Commenter · Works at UnemployedWith the upcoming warmer weather approaching, this should make most people happy. However, I am NOT one of those people happy about the warmer weather.
- Simon Richard Bernstein · Follow · Top Commenter · Baltimore, MarylandAs they say from your mouths to God's ears. March in the mid Atlantic is usually rainy with up and down weather. So, we may slowly go from Winter to Monsoon season. Spring, Fall and seasonable are the weather abnormalities around these parts.
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityIt looks like after a brief warm up the balance of Mar especially post Mar.15- Mar 31 should feature below normal temp. for at least the eastern half of the country.
- Scott Mancini · Top Commenter · Temple when did temperatures near normal constitute "Springlike Warmth"?
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityExactly you say what you think based on the data. I could care less if people agree or disagree.
- Grant McGuire · Top Commenter · Western Connecticut State UniversityI notice the jet stream will be sitting right on top of the Northeast. Any hint as to when it will shift northward into Canada?
- Kevin Privinik · Top CommenterAll this means that the cold pattern will ease somewhat, not that it will change into a warm pattern, so yes very misleading title on this article
- Kyle Marks · Top Commenter · Mexico, New York
- Kevin Privinik · Top CommenterNo one is bringing this up, but could it be artificially created weather? I never belived in these things, but if we are sitting here 1 year from now and still having a same conversation, who knows! I do find it strange that the latest pool of cold air last week instead of quickly shrinking due to it being so late in the winter season, it actually expaded to about 500 miles WEST of the california coast. Normally these outbreaks eithef hit the west and then go south and come east, or just hit mid continent or east and then move south and east, or retract back north. One in late February hit east first and then expanded west past the Rockies and even past the west coast. Very unusual to see that.
- Steven Demes · Housekeeping at Holiday Inn BoardmanI really want the temperature to be 70 degrees this month! :(
- Joe Richard · Stephen F. Austin State UniversityWe are in Iowa and anything above 20 degrees will be a luxury.
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityMy climate web-site exposes the AGW theory hoax. It is worth a look.
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