Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Weather Underground National Forecast for Wednesday,August 17,2016

By: nationalsummary , 4:30PM,GMT on August 17,2016

Weather Underground Forecast for Wednesday,August 17,2016

A stormy weather pattern will persist from the Northeast to the southern Plains on Wednesday, while monsoonal thunderstorms affect the Intermountain West.

A low pressure system will push east northeastward across New England. This system will usher rain and embedded thunderstorms over the region on Wednesday. A cold frontal boundary associated with this system will stretch southwestward. This frontal boundary will help generate showers and thunderstorms in the Ohio Valley, the central Appalachians and the Mid-Atlantic.

Meanwhile, moisture-rich air will linger over the Deep South. Daytime heating will trigger thunderstorms across the southern Mid-Atlantic and the Southeast. Similarly, tropical moisture and daytime heating will keep showers and thunderstorms in the picture for the lower Mississippi Valley and the southern Plains. Prolonged heavy rain could lead to flash flooding in central Texas.

A wave of low pressure will transition eastward over the northern Plains and the upper Mississippi Valley. This system will produce showers and thunderstorms across the Midwest on Wednesday. Just to the west, monsoonal thunderstorms will expand over a large portion of the Intermountain West. Most of these storms will fire up during the second half of the day.

High pressure should keep conditions mostly dry west of the Continental Divide. A weak trough of low pressure will generate gusty winds in southern California, elevating the fire danger over the region. Red flag warnings are in effect for portions of southern California.

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