Sunday, August 14, 2016

Weather Underground National Forecast for Sunday,August 14,2016

By: nationalsummary , 5:30AM,GMT on August 14,2016

Weather Underground Forecast for Sunday,August 14,2016

More of the same is expected along the Gulf Coast from Texas through Louisiana as a slow-moving low pressure system continues to usher deep moisture into the area. This moisture, in turn, will provide periods of moderate to heavy rain along with thunderstorms. Several areas, including the Houston area, could receive over an inch of rain on Sunday alone. In fact, the border area between Texas and Louisiana could receive well over 4 inches of rain, with 2 - 3 inches possible for much of Louisiana. Flood Warnings are already posted for much of Louisiana due to the rain that has already fallen over the past several days.

Elsewhere, warm temperatures are anticipated for much of the Northeast as warm air streams up from the south. Excessive Heat Warnings are posted from the coast of North Carolina through Connecticut and parts of Massachusetts. These warnings warn of heat index values way over 100 degrees well into Sunday afternoon. Residents of this populated area should take precaution to protect life and property. This includes the elderly and pets.

The West will remain warm as well, due to a persistent high pressure ridge that is fairly normal for this time of year. Max temps will continue to warm into the triple digits in inland areas. The tropics will remain inactive with no development over the next few days.

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