Saturday, August 13, 2016

Weather Underground National Forecast for Saturday,August 13,2016

By: nationalsummary , 4:15AM,GMT on August 13,2016

Weather Underground Forecast for Saturday,August 13,2016

Extremely dangerous flooding will continue for southern Louisiana and the Gulf Coast on Saturday as a low pressure system lingers over the northern Gulf with abundant tropical moisture. Expect flood warnings to remain in effect through the weekend as extremely heavy rainfall will persist. This system is capable of producing rainfall rates of 3 to 3.5 inches per hour, which leads to extremely dangerous flooding. The region has seen heavy rainfall since Sunday, so the soil is extremely saturated and cannot handle additional moisture. Expect daily rainfall totals to surpass 3 inches again on Saturday with localized areas likely seeing over 6 inches. Please take extreme caution and do not drive in flooded areas.

Elsewhere across the nation, a trough of low pressure to the north will push a frontal boundary across the Eastern states. This system will trigger scattered showers from the Northeast through the Ohio River Valley and into the Mississippi River Valley. There is a slight chance that severe thunderstorms will develop along this front with main threats being strong winds and large hail for western New York state and western Pennsylvania.

Meanwhile out West, monsoonal moisture over the Four Corners maintains afternoon shower and thunderstorm activity for New Mexico and southern Colorado. The West Coast remains dry as high pressure dominates.

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