Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Weather Underground National Forecast for Wednesday,August 10,2016

By: nationalsummary , 6:35AM,GMT on August 10,2016

Weather Underground Forecast for Wednesday,August 10,2016

Heavy rainfall and flooding conditions are expected to continue for the Gulf Coast on Wednesday as a low pressure system and tropical moisture linger over the region. Northern Florida will see the heaviest rainfall again with some areas seeing over 5 inches again on Wednesday. The entire Southeast has seen heavy rainfall since Sunday, so the soil is very saturated and will allow for flood warnings and advisories to remain in effect.

Meanwhile in the North, a trough of low pressure in eastern Canada will continue pushing a cold front through the Northern states. On Wednesday, this system will bring scattered showers and thunderstorms to the Northeast through the Ohio River Valley. Severe storms are not anticipated with this system.

In the Plains, a trough of low pressure advances eastward from the northern Rockies and into the northern Plains. this system will create some strong thunderstorm activity to the northern Plains and upper Midwest on Wednesday. Some of these storms will turn severe for the Dakotas and Minnesota, with the main threats being large hail, heavy rainfall, and damaging winds with possibly an isolated tornado.

In the Southwest expect monsoonal moisture to maintain shower and thunderstorm activity for the Four Corners and southern Rockies. Flood advisories will remain in effect for these areas.

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