Monday, August 22, 2016

Three Tropical Systems Spin Near Japan At Once; Typhoon Mindulle Strikes Tokyo

August 22,2016
Satellite imagery this weekend showed an interesting sight near Japan as a trio of tropical systems spun near the country. One of those three systems, Mindulle, made landfall near Tokyo as a typhoon on Monday.
Mindulle has since weakened back to a tropical storm after moving inland.
(MORE: Watching Two Atlantic Systems)
NASA satellite image of the three tropical storms near Japan on Sunday.
Winds gusted to 57 mph at Tokyo's Haneda International airport as Mindulle moved through. To the southeast of Tokyo, wind gusts up to 78 mph were reported in Tateyama.
The Associated Press reported that Japan television showed scattered damage in the area where Mindulle hit. Japan's Fire and Disaster Management Agency said that 11 people were injured.
The other two tropical systems located near Japan this past weekend were Tropical Storm Lionrock off of Japan's southwest coast and Tropical Storm Kompasu to the north near Hokkaido Island. Kompasu had dissipated as of early Monday morning, local time.
Here's one more look at the three tropical systems on a nighttime satellite image that also shows the city lights of Japan Sunday evening, local time.
(Image credit: Japan Meteorological Agency, CIRA/RAMMB)

PHOTOS: Nepartak Impacts Taiwan and China (Early July 2016)

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