Sunday, August 21, 2016

Humidity-Busting Front Will Lead Cooler and Drier Air to the East Coast and South

Tom Moore
Published: August 21,2016

Your sweat glands have probably been in overdrive in the South and East as humidity levels have been off the charts lately, but some welcomed changes are now taking shape.
New York's JFK Airport recently set a dew point record – 180 hours at 70 degrees or above – and the low temperature in Atlanta hasn't dipped below 70 degrees for two months.
(MORE: JFK Airport Breaks Dew Point Record)
Changes are on the way, however, thanks to a cold front.
(MORE: Check the Fall Outlook)
The Midwest began to feel these changes on Saturday and Sunday morning, and by Monday, those who live along the East Coast and in parts of the South will finally feel some relief from stifling humidity levels.

August Front Will Bring Comfort To Many

A strong cold front by August standards will parade eastward through the East Coast while sagging down into the South early this week.

Forecast Highs Midwest And East
Early Sunday morning, lows were in the upper 40s and low 50s in the northern Plains. A few spots in northeast Minnesota even dipped into the upper 30s.
By early Monday morning, low temperatures in the 50s should be widespread from the Upper Mississippi Valley through the Great Lakes and down to the Ohio Valley.
Lows in the 40s are expected from northern Minnesota and upper Michigan, with a few 30s possible in the coldest spots.
In many of these locations, temperatures will feel more like September.
(MAPS: Monthly Average Highs and Lows)

Jet Stream Forecast Monday

On Monday, the next in line for August relief will be along much of the East Coast and into the South. Early morning low temperatures across parts of the South will be in the low 60s down to Tennessee and in the mid to upper 60s from Arkansas to northern Georgia.
High temperatures across the Northeast will range from the upper 60s in northern New England to the low 80s in the mid-Atlantic region. These temperatures will be around to slightly below average, but much more comfortable humidity levels will take hold.
(MAPS: 10-Day Forecast Highs and Lows)
In the South, temperatures will reach well into the 80s, but you'll feel much more comfortable with lower humidity, and the nighttime temperatures will finally cool off a bit.
(CITIES: Buffalo | Burlington, Vermont | New York | Philadelphia | Nashville, Tennessee | Atlanta)
MORE: Images to Cool You Off on a Hot Summer Day

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