Published: August 10,2016
A tornado touched down in Chicago on Tuesday, but apparently it produced no damage and wasn't even accompanied by a thunderstorm.
The bizarre, dusty funnel, known as a landspout, was visible from Chicago's Midway Airport just before 4 Thursday afternoon for about 10 minutes and was photographed by several commuters in Chicagoland.
Based on assessment of photos, if there's any damage from landspout #tornado, approximate area is circled. #ilwx
New photos of Tuesday's landspout taken from the Willis Tower. Courtesy David Harpe. #tornado #Chicago
From 1954-April 2016, there have been 54 tornadoes in Cook County, according to NOAA's Storm Events Database.
While a landspout is technically a tornado, it differs from what you may consider a tornado.
Landspouts don't need a parent thunderstorm with a rotating updraft. They form when a developing towering cumulus cloud occurs over any near-surface boundary of converging winds.
(WATCH: What is a Landspout?)
In Chicago's case, it was the lake-breeze boundary separating air cooled by Lake Michigan with easterly winds from hotter air over inland locations with winds blowing from the west or southwest.

They are essentially waterspouts over land.
Most landspouts are fairly weak and short-lived. On occasion, they can do minor damage. They are most common in the High Plains, Colorado in particular.
One recent, photogenic landspout damaged a farm near Peetz, Colorado, in late May.
Jonathan Erdman is a senior meteorologist at and has been an incurable weather geek since a tornado narrowly missed his childhood home in Wisconsin at age 7.
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