Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Calbuco Volcano Erupts, Forces Evacuations in Southern Chile

By Michael Kuhne, Staff Writer
April 22,2015; 9:56PM,EDT
The Calbuco volcano in southern Chile erupted Wednesday, forcing authorities to order the evacuation of 1,500 people living in the town of Ensenada nearby, according to the Associated Press
Wednesday's eruption is the first in more than 42 years, the Associated Press reported.
Large amounts of ash were released in the eruption prompting the evacuation of two other surrounding communities.
"The winds aloft are mostly light, but they are blowing out of the south and southwest, which will take the ash over land," Meteorologist Dave Samuhel said.
"For us it was a surprise," Alejandro Verges told the Associated Press. Verges is the regional emergency director of the Los Lagos region where the eruption took place.
Calbuco is considered one of the top three most potentially dangerous among Chile's 90 active volcanos, according to the article.
In the wake of the eruption, the Education Ministry canceled school in communities near the volcano and at least three flights to Puerto Montt were canceled, according to the article.
"The winds will be light enough to keep it out of the major cities like Santiago, and Buenos Aires," Saumhel added.

: Se amplía a 20 kms el radio de exclusión en torno al volcán tras erupción @reddeemergencia @biobio

So the volcano exploded

volcano just erupted in my city. scary moments, but these are some incredible images

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