By Jillian MacMath, Staff Writer
May 9,2015; 3:21AM,EDT
This summer, warmth and dryness will build in the West, worsening the historical drought conditions that have plagued California for four straight years. Meanwhile, the Gulf Coast will have an abundance of moisture, raising concerns for flooding at times.
In the nation's midsection, severe weather is forecast to continue into summer, with the overall tornado count increasing from last year. In the Northeast, above-normal temperatures will mark a noticeable difference from the cooler-than-average summer of 2014.

JUMP TO: More 90-Degree Days Than Last Year Forecast for Northeast, Mid-Atlantic| Wet, Buggy Season Ahead for Southeast, Central Gulf Coast, Tennessee Valley | Rainy Weather in Store for Southern Plains, Lower to Mid-Mississippi Valley | Severe Risk to Continue for Midwest, Northern and Central Plains | Severe Drought to Worsen in California, Expand Northward at Full Force
More 90-Degree Days Than Last Year Forecast for Northeast, Mid-Atlantic
Warmth from central Canada and the northern Plains will flow into the Northeast this summer, leading to above-normal temperatures and drier conditions for much of the region.
"I'm not expecting extreme heat, but periods of warmer-than-normal temperatures will come and go during the course of the summer," Expert Long-Range Forecaster Paul Pastelok said.
After a cooler-than-normal summer of 2014, the East overall is forecast to be hit by more 90-plus degree days this summer.
In Philadelphia and New York City, there may be as many as 10 more than last summer.
For much of the summer, the central and southern mid-Atlantic will come alive with showers and thunderstorms.
Washington, D.C., Baltimore and Philadelphia will be in the line of fire.
Wet, Buggy Season Ahead for Southeast, Central Gulf Coast, Tennessee Valley
From the Southeast to the Gulf Coast and Tennessee Valley, the summer of 2015 will bring very wet conditions as result of warm water temperatures in the northern Gulf and a building El Nino. Flash flooding could be a concern at times.
"I would consider stocking up on the bug spray this year down across the Tennessee Valley and the Gulf Coast because it looks very wet," Pastelok said.
Extreme heat should be kept at bay, but high humidity and muggy conditions will plague the region.
As for tropical activity, the northern Gulf states could be affected as early as June.
"Water temperatures are running much warmer than last year," Pastelok said. "It may not take much to spawn a weak tropical system to enhance the rainfall on the Gulf Coast this year."
Rainy Weather in Store for Southern Plains, Lower to Mid-Mississippi Valley
Rainy weather will also spread across parts of Texas for much of the summer, focusing in on the lower Rio Grande Valley and southwestern portion of the state.
Into the start of June, showers and storms will improve the drought conditions across northern and northwestern Texas, but the region could dry out again as rain falls mainly west of these areas during midsummer.
As the monsoon picks up, storms will drench the Four Corners region, delivering above-normal moisture to the region.
Overall, the southern Plains and lower to mid-Mississippi Valley will see fewer 90- and 100-degree F days than in recent years.
"It's not as dry going into this summer season across the entire southern Plains, and I think that will have an impact on how high and how consistently we'll hit above 90 this year," Pastelok said.
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Severe Risk to Continue for Midwest, Northern and Central Plains
The northern and central Plains and much of the Midwest will face drier and warmer conditions this summer compared to last summer.
"Drier-than-normal conditions in the winter and for the most part this spring will lead to a drier soil and hotter temperatures. This can put stress on crops for this region," Pastelok said.
Southeastern Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, eastern Kansas and Oklahoma may have a shot at dodging this extreme heat with more possibilities for rain.
Spotty areas of thunderstorms, some of which can be severe, may break out in June, increasing the potential for tornadoes.
The middle of the summer will feel hot across the Dakotas, Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota.
"They will be dry, and the heat will just build as we go into the summer months, especially June and July," Pastelok said.
The drought in California will continue to worsen this summer, after the heart of the winter season brought little snowfall to the Sierra.
Without rain in the forecast, there are indications that the fire season, typically occurring June through October, could be one for the record books.
"The wildfire season has already kicked off a little early," Pastelok said. "I think the frequency will really pick up later in the summer and early fall."
Drought conditions are forecast to expand northward at full force into the Pacific Northwest, especially east of the Cascades.
"It looks to me like they'll continue to get drier and drier, and by June and July, it'll have reflection on temperatures as well," Pastelok said. "It should get hotter across those areas."
- Alex Petersen · Follow · The University of KansasI believe they forgot about the developing El Niño. If it develops the way as forecasted now, then the plains will not be nearly as hot or dry as forecasted. Maybe late June and early July might by a little hot and dry, but I bet it will turn mild and damp as we go into later summer.
- Andrew Griesemer · Top Commenterhmm... weather dot com predicts a much cooler summer in the midwest. One that will rival our disappointing non-summer of 2009 and 1997. And we've already had next to no summer the last 2 years.
forecast/national/news/ summer-temperature-forecast -june-july-august - Bill Conners · Top CommenterWhen I have looked back at the Cleveland winter temperature records, when we have had an extremely cold or prolonged winter, they have been followed by cool and sometimes rainy summers. It certainly happened last year and I believe a few years before that. I was thinking might be the same this year but if jet stream is changing then I will gladly go with this warmer forecast!
- Sara Getzthat's an amazing prediction! More 90 degree days thankfully last year, one of the coolest summers on record.
- J Kevin Wade · Follow · Owensboro, KentuckyThe incoming winter of 2015-2016 could be as harsh as this year and last year, however it may be a bit different with an optimistic feeling.
If the winter of 2014-2015 had an abnormally warm December 2014 and an abnormally frigid February 2015, does that mean the winter of 2015-2016 would be the opposite with an abnormally frigid December 2015 and an abnormally warm February 2016? I may also optimistically predict both January 2015 and January 2016 to be typical and tranquil.
For now, cheers to an early and likely warm summer! - Jim Fisher · Top CommenterSpeaking of the accuweather 45 day forecast (OK, I know, nobody was speaking of it), I find it interesting that on April 17th Jesse said he "believed" in the accuweather 45 day forecast and the claim made by accuweather that people can plan events a month and a half ahead using it - and he said he was using it for his yardsale on May 9th. As of today (and remember, this is based on a 29 day forecast, not a 45 day forecast), the forecast high temp for State College for May 9th has ranged from...(drum roll please) 60 to 86! Yes, 60 to 86! And the forecast conditions? Rain, cloudy, sunny. I know he is in a tough spot right now, but his silence has been deafening. And believe me, this is not an isolated instance by any means - the average forecast high variation has been around 20-25 degrees for the 45 day forecast - any season. I mean really, who do they think they are kidding when they make such claims - are they beginning to believe their own false claims? Whose outdoor, weather-dependent plans remain the same for 60 and rain AND 86 and sunny? Amazing.
- Cottone Mathere · Top Commenter
- Mike Walsh · QA Manager at Datel Inc."I'm not expecting extreme heat, but periods of warmer-than-normal temperatures will come and go during the course of the summer," Expert Long-Range Forecaster Paul Pastelok said.
Now THAT'S impressive...smh.- Robin Renee' Wilson-Sauls · Top Commenter · Weber State UniversityWe are suffering one of the HOTTEST Junes, and July's that I have ever known here in the NE Oregon. I rely on a well-that hasn't seem refill for about two yrs. I lay awake at night wondering if a bit of mercy might be in the next few yrs. I keep thinking that the weather will do a rubber band snap, and the heavy winter will come to visit; but we may be in a new Sierra Desert type mode; for the whole west coast. Need to take my bucket down to the river, and bring it back home. YIKES!
- Jeff Harry · Works at RetiredIt's obvious;we are all doomed. Continued severe drought will cause California to stop water from reaching LA to save the smelt. Coastal areas will be under water and strong storms will kill those not killed by the heat and drought. In ten years all human life in North America will perish. Or maybe not.
- Eric Martin · Top Commenter · Works at Writer and Author of The Trading Society
- Steve Wolf · Top Commenter · Alpha Dog at Dog TrainingSheesh. You say that like it's a bad thing (:->).
- Robin Renee' Wilson-Sauls · Top Commenter · Weber State UniversityCory Morrison Drought, for the Food Basket-that's US/World impacting!
- Robin Renee' Wilson-Sauls · Top Commenter · Weber State UniversityJames C. Lee Government Industrial Farming caused the 1930's "Dust Bowl" what is causing the extreme's now-years of Briggs and Stratton Gas Engine's. I didn't know that Mowers are more polluting, than Smog Emission controlled car engines. No one would dare run an engine in a Garage- to to killing your self-so what is the difference doing the same thing in our atmosphere-regulated by the same physics? It simply took longer to smog up our garage, (atmosphere).
- Scott Hamilton · Top Commenter"More 90-Degree Days Than Last Year Forecast for Northeast, Mid-Atlantic". that won't be too hard, the summer of 201 was one of the mildest summers in 3o years. Why do they always make everything seem like the sky is falling and make the weather forecast seem worse than it really is? How come there is no mention of how mild last summer was? Two words come to mind...
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.Some people including myself, actually prefer the heat over brutally frigid winters like the last 2 and the non-existent summer of last year (And before anyone tells me to move south, I actually can accept my area's normal temperatures in all 4 seasons, it is the Great Lakes having below average temps 80% of the time in the last 2 years that has gotten out of hand). I don't think Accuweather is intending on making their forecast seem like the sky is falling when they call for more 90F weather than last year.
- Beer Barrelman · Top Commenter · Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Sarah Leggs · Top CommenterI hope this isn't true for the mid section or the west. They have suffered dry conditions too much already.......
- Cottone Mathere · Top Commenter
- James Procak · Top Commenter · Warwick, New YorkMore 90F days in the Northeast? That shouldn't be too difficult to surpass.
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterYou would think they would have a story about the warmer weather on the main 4 slideshow. Instead of a story about a baby playing in the snow. Just saying. hopefully made a mistake on that one.
- Tom Haxby · Top Commenter · Owner/ President at Tom Haxby PhotosIn other news, the sun will rise in the east and set in the west.
- Joseph Nazar · Top Commenter · Lakeland High SchoolIt's a huge challenge to believe that this long range forecast has any chance of being accurate. I wonder why so called senior experts or whatever even dare to make such forecasts.
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterTrue; you have to wait until at least mid-may to be able to make a good seasonal outlook. I think it is more to get peoples attention so that they come on here, see the ads, and buy the junk advertised. I give their summer outlook no heed at this point in the season. I am only on this thread to:
1) Talk about how it is too early to tell what summer will be.
2)correct these greatly misinformed people in the northeast who think they are guaranteed endless 90's in summer.
3) Discuss things with the intelligent ones, like Cory, Aaron, Salvatore, Neven, and some others, and.
4) for comic relief reading some of the comments some people on here make. - Joseph Nazar · Top Commenter · Lakeland High School
- Cottone Mathere · Top Commenter
- J Kevin Wade · Follow · Owensboro, KentuckyBy the way, I'm actually a liberal, I'm just VERY concerned about next year's winter.
- Cottone Mathere · Top Commenter
- David Gerard Turco · Top Commenter · University of Rhode IslandOn the RI coast we had exactly 0 days at 90 or above last year so this forecast doesn't impress me much as 1 would be more. As we still wait for spring here, I can't help but laugh when I read that our New England summer is going to be warming than normal because the air will be from central Canada! News flash we only get warmer than normal when a Bermuda high sets up which used to happen every summer but not in the last 2. Not buying this forecast as The Pattern has not changed in 3 1/2 years oddly coinciding with the western drought which is forecast to strengthen.
- Cottone Mathere · Top Commenter1) David, on the RI coast, you only average 2 or 3 90+ days per year, and that is at the Westerly and Newport airports. The coast is even cooler. Unless you are further inland. But kingston only averages 6, and Tiverton 10. Providence 11.
2) You keep using that word..."spring"...I don't think it means what you think it means... The avg. high for april in Newport is only 56. The month has been about normal. Since apr. 11, only 3 days have failed to hit mid 50's. And 5 days have been mid to upper 60's.
3)David, believe it or not, although the warm air does not originate over south central Canada, that can be the direction from which it comes when it hits the northeast. Like in the late june heat wave of 2003. As long as the jet is north of south central Canada, and their air is from the south, they have a heat source and spread it southeastward.
4) Bermuda highs are NOT the only way to get warmer than normal; in fact, they are mostly a factor only later in the summer.
5) During the past 3 1/2 years, the pattern HAS changed. Unless you meant since late 2012. But summer 2103 was about normal temp. wise. The problem is, your summer there is only really July and Aug. But July was warm, and aug. cool. so it averaged out. And 3 days hit 90 in Newport.
6) It is too early to tell what this summer will bring.
- Dennis Loghry · School of HardknocksHere in south central Iowa, I am predicting a long warmer than usual summer. My evidence for such a prediction: Trees are leafing early. The grape vines budded out earlier than usual. My dog does not usually start to shed until mid May and she is almost done loosing her winter hair. I do not understand how the meteorologists do their job. I don't have a lot of high priced equipment to make predictions. All I have is the evidence of nature's tell tale signs and the facts of life to go on.
- Bob B. Booze · Cook at Fun explosivesThis summer promises to produce the most overhyped weather forecasts ever.
- Jim Fisher · Top CommenterSo it takes an "expert" to make the following bold prediction? "...periods of warmer-than-normal temperatures will come and go during the course of the summer," Expert Long-Range Forecaster Paul Pastelok said. And come on guys, please use average and not normal - think about how abnormal it would be if every single day were average!
- Cottone Mathere · Top Commenter
- Eric Martin · Top Commenter · Works at Writer and Author of The Trading SocietyGood piece on the difference between 'average' and 'normal' from Tom Skilling's Chicago Weather Center page. blog/ why-is-there-a-trend-for-we athermen-to-report-tempera tures-above-or-below-avera ge
- John Belli · Top CommenterWhy should anyone believe this given how wrong Paul Pastelok's last couple seasonal forecasts have been.
- Neven Prvinic · Follow · Top Commenter · Cleveland State UniversityI do not believe it either, especially eastern Lakes, New England and Atlantic Canada, but it is way too early to pick up the trends yet as they are still all over the place. I am still sticking with normal for the south shores of Lake Erie. Now I do think it will tend warmer going into the fall and maybe even next winter, but not sure yet about the sumer, especially the first half.
- Brent Richardson · Top Commenter · Rochester, New YorkAnyone know if northeast will have brutal winter this year (2015-2016), even worse than last year? I hope so!
- J Kevin Wade · Follow · Owensboro, KentuckyI agree, winter of 2015-2016 will be the winter of 2013-2014 on steroids. I may expect November 2015, December 2015, January 2016, February 2016, March 2016, and April 2016 to all turn out to be much more frigid than normal for the eastern U.S. with subzero lows possible in all six months, even as early as November 15, 2015, or as late as April 3, 2016. Imagine how frigid the entire November-April 2015-16 period would be compared to the second half of February 2015, especially for the likely brunt of the extreme cold to take place in either February 2016 or March 2016. Imagine that, I can guarantee February 2016 will actually be colder than February 2015, even if the winter of 2015-16 doesn't turn out to be as harsh as I think.
- Neven Prvinic · Follow · Top Commenter · Cleveland State UniversityNo no one knows, and even though it is possible it is very unlikely. Nature tends to average itself out over the long periods of time one way or another.
- Neven Prvinic · Follow · Top Commenter · Cleveland State UniversityI do not believe that for a minute.
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterKevin, you said the same garbage about this april having subzero cold, etc. You are clueless. Unless you are trolling us.
- Debbie Brunell · Top CommenterI hope so to but right now let's all cross are fingers summer will be mild again like last year or even cooler!
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.Like Vito said on another article, you cold weather fans in the East have had it your way 80% of the time for the last 2 years. This pattern needs to change to a long term warmer one.
Oh, and it should be "cross OUR fingers" not "cross are". Not that I will even participate in crossing fingers for a cool summer as I do want a hot one, I just thought that it would be helpful for me to point this out. - J Kevin Wade · Follow · Owensboro, KentuckyI doubt that long term warm spell will happen next winter. I expect the identical extreme cold setup for the third consecutive winter of 2015-2016 just like the consecutive winters of 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. Perhaps the COLDEST February ever might actually be 2016, not 2015.
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterJ Kevin Wade, what happened to your apocalyptic prophecies for a frozen Tundra this April? You might want to actually come to understand weather before making comical predictions.
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.It is hilarious because this April averaged above normal in his location.
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.Even in a period where we have been mainly seeing a West Ridge=East Trough pattern, being overly cold-biased (And in fact warm-biased as well) in predictions is ridiculous.
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterKevin, it seems you have backed off of this prediction already, based on your comments on the other article.
- Christopher E. Corrigan · Top Commenter · Floor organizer/Trouble shooter at Self/Boston GlobeJ Kevin Wade..So you say the Winter will be milder..That won't be too hard to do...
- Rocco Salvemini · Top Commenter · Maintenance at Multi-space meter cleanerI don't think NYC had a heat wave last summer. Not going to get away with it this time
- Marcie Kane · Top Commenter · Canton, Connecticut
- John A Lyman · Follow · Top CommenterIt's going to cook in Seattle. Good thing we got air conditioning installed last month.
- Louis Saccone · Top Commenter · Bassick High School, Bridgeport, CTA early tropical season for Florida?
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterThat is a whole different story. Literally. There is something developing off the southeast coast next week probably. But that might be north of there, and these early storms are no real indication for the upcoming season. But the Gulf and Atlantic coasts are warmer than Avg. right now.
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityAs Cori so correctly brought out past analogs do not support the conclusions they have come up with for their summer forecast. It can not be much clearer then that.
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityTheir spring forecast thus far is way off, let see what happens this summer.
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State University
- Larry Turner · Top Commenter · San Jose State University
- David Begley · Follow · Top Commenter · Midland, MichiganThe problem is that it never is "normal". You get periods above normal and periods below normal, but it is rarely a normal (average) season (summer, fall winter or spring.)
- Michael Beaule · Works at Taylor CommunitySometimes I think forecasters forget there are states north of Massachusetts. Not enough of us to matter I guess.
- Cottone Mathere · Top Commenter
- Aaron Ginther · Top Commenter · Central Virginia Community CollegeAlthough a city.. I feel like Richmond, which only lies a mere 90 miles from the major metropolitan areas of DC, doesn't get as much attention from forecasters in individual news stories as it should. The Richmond metro has a population of about 1.3 million and I just think it deserves to be acknowledged or mentioned more. On the east coast megalopolis (BosWash), Richmond is actually the first major city you encounter on I-95 going up the eastern seaboard. Its not a New York and never will be.. but its size is comparable to cities like St. Louis, MO and Louisville, KY.
However, it's not really needed in this because VA is covered in the Mid-Atlantic region. I'm mainly talking about articles concerning significant weather events. Ranting over.
- Neil LeDock · Follow · North Fulton High School, Atlanta, GAFact. I have lived in the south - Georgia for about 48 years and now in North Carolina for 10 years. Fact: It will be hot and humid like every summer. Only in America can you make six figures saying: Today most of the viewing area will see a mixture of Sun and clouds. Perhaps some portions of our area may see some random hit or miss showers or thunderstorms depending on your location and the area(s)receiving possible precipitation in parts of our coverage area sometime today or maybe this afternoon or this evening.
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterNeil, you obviously know nothing about meteorology. Besides, those vague forecasts are dumbed down for the general public. More details are always available on the internet or from many TV forecasters even. And quite often by people who are payed much less. Many met.'s, by the way, don't make close to six figures. Not everyone lives in the Southeast. And also, some people in the southeast depend on farming. So long range outlooks are useful, if they are good ones.
- Aaron Ginther · Top Commenter · Central Virginia Community CollegeI agree every summer in the south, especially the deep south, is hot and humid anyway since there is very little variation from normal. But I know where I am in Virginia we're far enough north for cooler shots of air from Canada to invade most if not all of the year, even in the heart of summer. However, they're nowhere near as pronounced nor as frequent as they are in the winter months. With our average high of 89 degrees in mid-July, there are some days we don't make it out of the 70's. Last summer we had multiple nights where temperatures tumbled down into the 50's, in what was supposed to be the "dog days of summer".
- Matthieu Guérin · Top CommenterIf this forecast really happens, this would mean a big pattern change from the last 4 months in the NE! I do hope this warm summer comes true, but I doubt it at this point...
- Christopher E. Corrigan · Top Commenter · Floor organizer/Trouble shooter at Self/Boston Globe
- Aaron Ginther · Top Commenter · Central Virginia Community CollegeI will believe it when I see it. Virginia will probably have a crappy summer this year. I'd be surprised if this summer ended up above normal temperature wise.
- Aaron Ginther · Top Commenter · Central Virginia Community College
- Aaron Ginther · Top Commenter · Central Virginia Community CollegeDo you know how the summer of 1982 turned out? That was also a strong El Nino.
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.It was also a cool summer. Coldest June on record where I am, average July, and unusually chilly August. June and August were wetter than normal in my location that year but July was drier than normal.
- Aaron Ginther · Top Commenter · Central Virginia Community CollegeI just looked back at 1982 and my area had mostly the same thing as yours. I was surprised to see how cool June was. Everyday that month struggled to hit 80 and by then our average highs are rising through the mid and upper 80's so that's quite strange. I'd rather have El Nino stay weak or at least moderate since strong El Nino summers just don't do well at all.
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.Also 1965 was another summer before a strong El Nino. That year was the 2nd coldest summer on record where I am (2nd only to 1992). All 3 summers months were colder than average that year yet had near to slightly below average precipitation in my location.
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.If this moderate to strong El Nino does develop, however, then there could be some hope for summer of 2016 since summers after El Nino winters are typically hot in the East. Especially if a La Nina attempts to develop for 2016-17, that would increase the chances of a warmer summer in 2016 as well.
- Linda Maxey · Follow · Top Commenter · Roanoke, VirginiaI remember the summer of 1999 in Roanoke VA, it was very stormy and had some hot/humid weather but the storms brought some cool breaks that made it pleasant. If the pattern follows now as then, the following several summers after we had extreme heat/humidity and one of our worse extreme droughts covering several years. I honestly do not want a repeat of those several years of heat and drought. Plus nothing is worse then hot, humid summers where the night time lows sizzle heavy and nasty, which is what we tend to get in the SW VA in avg years.
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.The summer of 1999 had a developing strong La Nina for the coming winter. Summers with developing La Nina's (Especially moderate or strong ones) are almost always hot in the East. This year is nothing like that though so if you do not like heat and humidity, you may be in luck in comparison to people like myself who want a hot summer for 2015.
The best analogs for summer of 2015 in my opinion are 2009, 1997, 1994, 1982, 1972, 1965, 1963, and 1957. Most of these summers were cooler than normal in the East. - Aaron Ginther · Top Commenter · Central Virginia Community CollegeI remember the following summer after that in 2000 was cooler than average, due to a cooler July and August. 2002 was a scorching summer for central VA, and was almost as hot as 2010. Other hot summers include 2005, 2006, 2007 and of course 2010-2012. I will never forget 2012 when we had the derecho and our power was out for a week during the middle of a heat wave that sent temperatures soaring well over 100 during the day. You can only imagine how hot your house can get with no AC when it's over 100 degrees outside.
I don't mind hot weather but when it gets to that level, that's nothing I play around in. - Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.In 2000 it transitioned to a weaker La Nina. I think a lot of that summer's coolness had to do with the AO and NAO being negative a lot of the time. It did not have much to do with what was going on out West.
- Aaron Ginther · Top Commenter · Central Virginia Community College2000 was one of the exceptions where we had a cool summer during an emerging La Nina. There are other big factors that influence our weather other than ENSO. The warm blob has been the main driver of our pattern since February-March 2013. Just like after the warm year of 2002, the pattern switched when El Nino developed and didn't end until 2005. The period in between from late 2002 through mid 2005 had similar drivers to our pattern that we're seeing now.
- Neven Prvinic · Follow · Top Commenter · Cleveland State UniversitySummer 1982 in Cleveland OH I would grade a B (which seems higher then if one just looks at the numbers, kind of like summer 2013 gets a lower grade then it may look on paper). Summer 1982 actually began on 4/30/1982 in my area as May was very sunny dry and way above normal. It was a beach month, an this coming of long and harsh winter semed even better. June was cool, but not as much below normal as May was above normal. It is almost like those two months switched places. July came and hot and sunny weather was back. It did get very humid and sticky towards late July. August began hot and humid but turned much cooler mid moth and ended up cool, but even with that there were many sunny days that were still beach days even thouh it was cooler (like I said before just looking at the numbers sometimes does not tell the whole story). Then summer came back in the full force in September as it got sunny and humid and hot with number of 90F+ days. The heat lingered into early part of October with prolonged indian summer sun and warmth off and on into Deember and of course what followed was one of the warmest winters we ever had. So June and August were not the best, but May, July, September and even October more then made up for it. One interesting fact about that period. In late August we registered the coldest low EVER in August at 40F (the day did recover to near 70F), but also in early December we registered our highest EVER for the month of December 77F.
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterThe problem with trying to use el nino years for analogs is that some of those years had very strong el nino's. And some summers, the el nino was just developing, and in some summers it was fading. And the last el nino they predicted didn't even materialize. This one they doubted some, but it came, but it is weak. The recent spike in the el nino might be temporary, like it was back in dec. Truthfully, it is rare to have a scenario with all three of these: 1)there is an el nino in one winter, 2) the following summer maintains an el nino, and 3) the next winter also has an el nino.
- Aaron Ginther · Top Commenter · Central Virginia Community CollegeThat's one of the reasons why I'm not too crazy on using 1997 as an analog for this summer. 1997-98 had the strongest El Nino ever recorded, and there's no guarantee we will even have a strong El Nino, in fact I don't think that is the most probable scenario. Also El Nino isn't something that just formed, we've had El Nino conditions over the 2014-15 winter season but there is a certain criteria that has to be met for it to be called out officially. There are weak to moderate El Nino's that had warm summers.
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterAaron, good points. Assuming we keep a moderate to weak el nino thru summer an next winter, the only analogs would be 1953 and 1969. In truth, using an analog approach would cause one to forecast the el nino to die out. The climate models they are using, that indicate strengthening, predicted a false el nino in 2013 and some didn't even have this el nino surviving originally.
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.1953 was a slightly warm summer overall where I am, while 1969 had a cold June offset by a warm August.
- Josh Ferrara · Top Commenter · Indiana University EastI don't really trust anyone to tell me what the weather will be. They cannot even tell me accurately what the weather will be tomorrow, not to mention many of their models and reports try to include a hint or outright expression of "global warming" wherever possible. NOAA and the Weather channel are known for doing the same things. This is interesting to gawk at on a boring day though!
- Cottone Mathere · Top Commenter
- Matthew Cooper · Top Commenter · Bellevue, NebraskaI can agree with this outlook for the Midwest. In Minnesota and the Dakotas there is already a drought in place. And here where I live in the Omaha metro area we haven't really seen any heavy rains so far this spring. And as we all know the dryer it is in the spring the hotter it gets in the summer as rain chances are not as high ( due to the more scattered nature of the rain/thunderstorms).
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityTheir map for this summer does not make any sense it has no flow or consistency to what the atmospheric circulation might be.
An example, is the hot and dry forecast on the west coast suggesting a ridge while Nebraska /Kansas have the same hot and dry forecast. I do not think so.- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterThe map is an unusual type of map. It shows highlights. For instance, you see wet sandwiched in between the dry heat in Nebraska and California. But the rain in the Rockies is later in the summer. Late in the summer though, it would still be hot in Cal. and Nebraska. Overall, an upper-air ridge, with two surface highs for the plains and Cal., but a "monsoon" low for the Rockies. I guess that is possible.
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterAtlantic canada troughs are associated with Plains heat. However, a trough in the arctic would warm central Canada below it, and blunt the heat, by spreading it northward. Zonal flow in the summer does not lead to above normal Plains temp.'s in the summer, only in the winter. The main thing for heat is a Western Upper air ridge strengthened by drought. Together I would think with the warm phase of the PDO. And an Atlantic Canada trough or a northeast US one helps as well. Interestingly, they aren't forecasting that.
- David Colantuono · Top Commenter · Works at UnemployedI'm not going to say it. Those of you who have read my comments in the past already know what I'm thinking at this point. That's all I'm going to say here.
- Cottone Mathere · Top Commenter
- David Schroeder · Fairleigh Dickenson UniversityI'll be as happy as a clam to see some above normal temperatures here in the Northeast. During the good old 2nd half the of the 20th Century, and into the 1st decade of the 21st, we could count on Bermuda High's the would last for days on end, bringing warm gulf moisture and the hazy-lazy days of summer. Seems like we would even get that pattern in winter time, bringing on the January thaw, most winters.
But the last four years it seems like the wind direction is relentlessly out of the North or Northwest, bringing dry cool conditions. A few days ago on a 30 mile ride over two thousand foot mountain passes in southwest New Hampshire, I thought I would get hypothermia. Looking forward to 90 degree summer days.- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State University
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State University
- Cottone Mathere · Top Commenter
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterDavid, Also, Bermuda highs do not bring Gulf of mexico air. Or else it would be called the Gulf high. Many summers in the past were cool: 09, 04, 03, 00, 97, 96, 92, etc.
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterThis map shows what ocean tempertures currently are, compared to normal. Some areas of the atlantic are very cool, in the north, but southern areas are very warm. A lot of variation. anomnight.4.30.2015.gif
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.Great Lakes and Northeast warm summer? I will believe it when it actually happens.
- Nora O'donnell Wilson · Top Commenter · Homemaker at RetiredEven though that the graphic says stormy for the Ohio Valley and Lower Great Lakes nothing in the text is said about those areas. I hope it won't be hot and dry in Ohio. My take however the Gulf will be open sending up warmth and moisture up to those areas triggering many strong storms. That being said the Lower GLs and the OV may be looking at a warmer than the last 2 summers , wet and stormy pattern.
- Cottone Mathere · Top Commenter
- Grant McGuire · Top Commenter · Western Connecticut State UniversityConsidering that Accuweather predicted Winter 14-15 would be LESS harsh than 13-14, I remain highly skeptical of Northeast warmth.
- Grant McGuire · Top Commenter · Western Connecticut State University
- Grant McGuire · Top Commenter · Western Connecticut State University
- Grant McGuire · Top Commenter · Western Connecticut State UniversityEven next week, if we hit 80 down here, people will complain "it's too early for this".
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.I also think it's funny how they say the word "will" instead of "may" or "might". How do they know for sure that this summer WILL have more 90F days than last year?
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterThis past winter was less harsh, except for mid. feb thru early march.
- Eric Martin · Top Commenter · Works at Writer and Author of The Trading SocietyOut here in Chicago our winter-except for the second half of February and one Super Bowl snowstorm-was less harsh than 2013-14. So AW was right on the money with us...
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.Here in the GTA 14-15 was almost as cold as 13-14 with the historically cold February being the main culprit.
- Grant McGuire · Top Commenter · Western Connecticut State UniversityCory, comes September, I'd love to see them grade these predictions, A to F.
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.My summer 2015 weather outlook will be posted a week or two from now on FB. It will be very interesting to see how well Accuweather progresses with their outlook compared to mine, to say the least.
- George Greene · Top Commenter · Works at TopShelf OldiesGrant McGuire I've already heard people complaining re 60s and 70s...amazing.
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.Sadly George, I can probably name at least 5 regular Accuweather commenters on here who really need to move to somewhere like Nunavut (I don't include David C though due to his condition).
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityThus far tornado occurrences well below average.
Data thus far 219 tornados this year versus average of well over 400.
Spring is not over but so far this year is similar to previous years.
The difference this year is the moderate EL NINO , which was not present last year.
I think El Nino strength versus the blob of warm water strength(off west coast of N. America) is going to g a long way in determining how this summer will shape up.
Time will tell.- Gregg Symonds · Top Commenter · General Panet High School
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityAccu Weather's long range seasonal outlooks leave much to be desired. This spring has been a prime example thus far.
As usual they are on the warm biased side. Right off the bat do not expect many days exceeding 90 across the nation as a whole. This summer should be similar to last summer.- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State University
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityThey do not believe in analogs. Your outlook is more accurate then accu weather.
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State UniversityTheir seasonal forecast always are geared if possible toward what AGW calls for in a general sense , that is why they are almost always wrong.
- Wayne Langhuber · Top Commenter · Tax Specialist at Robert Basickes CPAI think the El Nino and the warm waters of the Northern Pacific ocean are trumped by the effects of the Bermuda High in the I-95 corridor from DC to NY during summer. I expect ample moisture from the south due to El Nino and cold fronts to continue to come down from Canada. I think the Bermuda High is going to be strong enough to cause cold fronts to stall west of the mountains and eventually wash out. I feel that puts my area in the line of fire for severe weather, drenching tropical rainstorms and high humidity. Another factor is that my area has not had 2 cooler than normal summers since the late 70's. If this year was cooler it would be number 3. I am always skeptical of Accu Weather's forecasts but this year I feel they are in the ballpark. Ironically one of the years Cory mentioned was 1994. The summer in the Ohio Valley and Southeast was below normal but in the I-95 corridor it was very hot. Third hottest summer on record in Philly. I think the hottest month relative to normal will be June (2-3 degrees) following a warm May. July will go 1-2 above normal and temps will trend normal in August. My guess the summer comes in between 1-1.5 degrees above normal. I do fear that from Mid May till early July we will be susceptible to severe weather outbreaks due to the reasons I stated above. (My area is in that red zone).
- Wayne Langhuber · Top Commenter · Tax Specialist at Robert Basickes CPAWill not be a repeat of 2010, 22 or 12 but probably warmer than 13 or 14.
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.Vito, unfortunately I would not be surprised if summer of 2015 is similar to summer of 2014. I wish I had better news, sorry.
- Eric Martin · Top Commenter · Works at Writer and Author of The Trading SocietyI will respectfully disagree as I expect the Western Great Lakes (Chicago) to be warmer than last year based on two factors. 1.) The core of the coldest air this winter was further east where last season the core was more situated over the Midwest. Except for the last half of February-when the bottom on the temperatures dropped out-winter temperatures in Chicago were running above what they had been in 2013-14 2.) While above average, our snowfall was about half of the total (90") that we received in 2013-14 meaning that we were rid of snowcover earlier than last season and therefore able to warm up quicker this season. April 2014 did not have very prolonged warm spells and the cold spells were more pronounced as well. This April we have seen a warmer than average first half of the month and though cool, the second half has not been as cool as last year and has been much more influenced by the common NE winds coming off of Lake Michigan at this time of year. Given that I feel we will likely see an increased number of days at or above 90 than last year. I also feel due to the less harsh winter out here our severe weather will be of higher frequency than last year - we have already had one solid severe outbreak with the F4 tornado that hit Fairdale 100 miles west of Chicago earlier this month.
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.I think Chicago has a good chance of being a bit warmer than last summer, this I can agree with. Toronto, Buffalo, New York, Boston, and Philly, I would not be surprised one bit if it is similar to last year.
- Brent Richardson · Top Commenter · Rochester, New YorkDo you know if we will have brutal winter again for 2015-2016, even worse than last year? I hope so! :)
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.I..MOST..DEFINITELY..HOPE.
.NOT. You have had 2 consecutive brutal winters. Why do you want another one? - Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterWayne:
1) the Bermuda high and el nino do not trump the Eastern pacific temp.'s. El nino's effects are less in summer, and the recent spike in the el nino may be temporary, just like it was a few months ago. Also, the Bermuda high is not really a big factor til later in the summer.
2) 2013 was not a cool summer. Also, since the '70's there has been consecutive cool summers: '96 and '97, as well as '03 and '04. Although '03 was mostly cool in June.
3) The Bermuda high is too weak in May/June to stall fronts and cause severe weather. - Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterVito: '13 was not a cool summer. Just wet. It's pointless to try to compare an upcoming summer to previous ones since they are all unique, and because people tend to not remember them correctly.
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterEric, many excellent points. They show distinctions between this year and last year. How that affects this summer, though, is another story. But you may well be right.
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.Also for parts of the East (Note that I said parts, not everywhere), 1984, 1985, and 1986 are consecutive cool summers.
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.This is like the 3rd or 4th time in the last 2 weeks that he has posted stuff like "I hope extreme cold will be the new norm".
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterVito, in PIT it was not below average. It was just temperate. Avg. temp.'s were 0.2 F above for June thru Aug. The first half was slightly hot, and the 2nd. half slightly cool. The only "problem" was that, during june thru aug., there were only 9 days upper 80's or higher, and only 5 of them hit 90, and those 5 were all only low 90's. And the rainfall and clouds were above avg. You have to realize, PIT is JUST NOT THAT HOT. Avg. high in July is only 82!
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterVito, there is no sense in screaming and pouting about climatology. It is what it is. You would do better to spend the energy and time in moving to a warmer climate.
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterBrent, Syracuse, the next town over, just had their coldest February ever. Don't think there is much further down the temp's can go...sheesh...I am guessing you aren't responsible for paying any heating bills?
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.I don't think a February can ever really get much worse than February 2015 in the East considering how major the blocking was in both the Pacific and Atlantic, allowing the Siberian air to really flow into the East to the point that there was not really a single day above average in my area. This is one of the reasons why I think it is total nonsense when J Kevin Wade makes claims like "February 2016 will be even colder than February 2015".
- Eric Martin · Top Commenter · Works at Writer and Author of The Trading SocietyCottone, after our warm start in the first half of April Tom Skilling at WGN looked at summers that followed an above-average first half of April and found that 5 of 7 of those summers turned out warmer than average.
For a good look at Midwest weather trends I would highly recommend the WGN weather site he oversees. - Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterEric, that sounds interesting. I will check that out. Here in the mid atlantic, there is somewhat of a link as well. Last April not so much, although it wasn't all that warm in the first half of the month. But 2010 and 1999 did, as well as 1994. But most years here, warm patterns don't set up until around the 8th. 2002, 2006, 2008, and 2013 had that. And they all did end up above normal in summer, although aside from 2002, the other three were not that much above normal.
- Joyce Bower · Cumberland Massena High SchoolLove to hear about the weather and the climate for each region! We as farmers hope for good chances of rainfall during the spring/summer but NOT so much that its hard to get in to plant the crops! was hoping we'd not see so much rain like last year in our SW Iowa area! What is the forecast for our local area and the temperature as well? Thanks!
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State University
- Wayne Langhuber · Top Commenter · Tax Specialist at Robert Basickes CPAThis seems to be what I was predicting. A hotter summer with a battle zone between the Warm Waters in the Northern Pacific and the Bermuda high. What typically happens in this pattern is strong cold fronts move across the mid-west and then stall just west of the mountains creating opportunities for severe weather. Many cold fronts eventually wash out. I expect a hot and turbulent summer in Southeast Pa. Departure from normal may be between 1-2 degrees above normal depending on the number and timing of thunderstorms. I guess its time to check on the AC.
- Wayne Langhuber · Top Commenter · Tax Specialist at Robert Basickes CPA
- Salvatore del Prete · Top Commenter · Southern Connecticut State University
- Wayne Langhuber · Top Commenter · Tax Specialist at Robert Basickes CPASalvatore del Prete It looks like along the coast they are coming up nicely. (They had a cold start). I think right now South Carolina is in the 65-70 range. NJ is around 50. The Southern Chesapeake Bay near the Mouth are nearing the Low 60's. Next 7-14 days look well above normal. When I look at a forecast for a season (Like the summer) I mostly look to see what the expected effects are going to be for my immediate area. Looking at the map I do not think Accu Weather's outlook for all parts of the country is correct. (The west will bake and the south is wet that much I can assess). But they are over doing the warmth in the Northern Planes and Ohio Valley. And I am not so sure the mountains will be cool and rainy. I think their assessment of my area is close at least the stormy end. How much warmer than normal will depend on May I think. And local forecaster seem to be in agreement with a warmer than normal May. We shall see.
- Cottone Mathere · Top Commenter
- Cottone Mathere · Top CommenterWayne Langhuber I posted a sea surface temp. anomaly map. Yes, it is warm off the southeast coast. But also, it is warm in the gulf and subtropical pacific. The east pacific is warm, but there is very small cold pool trying to develop in the middle. But take a look at the true battle zone off the mid atlantic and northeast coast. Huge contrast. And cold water off of the Canadian Atlantic coast. The western ridge will try to bring an eastern trough, but the question is, where will it stall? Also, the drought and recent patterns will push warmth further into the plains, and overall patterns tend to shift east. So a big Midwest trough is unlikely, especially considering that the lakes melted earlier this year than last year, and that the core of the feb. cold was over the northeast.
- Cory Morrison · Follow · Top Commenter · Filing/Inventory Clerk at Independent Distributors Inc.I think New England into Atlantic Canada is where this trough might develop a lot of the time, especially if there is Plains heat like you mentioned. I still think that troughs may hit the Eastern Great Lakes region from time to time though.
- Lombards PhotographyMan I really hope this comes true. I am sick to death of cold weather here in New Hampshire. I want heat. Let the boating and beach season begin early.
- George Greene · Top Commenter · Works at TopShelf Oldies
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