Saturday, July 9, 2016

Weather Underground National Forecast for Saturday,July 9,2016

By: nationalsummary , 10:00PM,GMT on July 8,2016

Weather Underground Forecast for Saturday,July 9,2016

An area of low pressure will move across the Northeast on Saturday, while a separate system drifts over the Northwest.

A slow moving low pressure system will rotate across the eastern Great Lakes and the Northeast. This system will produce rain and thunderstorms over the eastern tier of the Midwest, the northern Mid-Atlantic and New England. A cold frontal boundary associated with this system will stretch southwestward from western New York to the central Plains. As this frontal boundary sags southeastward, it will interact with warm and muggy air from the Gulf of Mexico. This collision of air masses will result in widespread rain and thunderstorms across the central Plains, the southern Plains, the lower Mississippi Valley, the Deep South and the Southeast. Prolonged heavy rain will bring threats of flash flooding to eastern Kansas, eastern Oklahoma, southern Missouri, Arkansas, western Tennessee and northern Mississippi. Most of Virginia and North Carolina should stay clear of wet weather.

Meanwhile, an area of low pressure will transition eastward across the Pacific Northwest, the Intermountain West and the northern high Plains. Showers and thunderstorms will break out across a large portion of the Northwest. The highest elevations of the Cascades and the Rockies will also have a chance of snow. By the late afternoon and evening, storms will fire up along the western edge of the upper Midwest.

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