Published: May 12,2015
“Thunder is a direct consequence of a lightning strike,” Maher A. Dayeh, a research scientist in the SwRI Space Science and Engineering Division, told What isn’t known, he added, are the “processes contributing to the thunder that we hear.” In other words, what part of lightning is strong enough to emit an acoustic signature?
Dayeh and colleagues took a seriously awesome approach to answer this question. At the International Center for Lightning Research and Testing at the University of Florida, they went outside in thunderstorm conditions, and with special equipment, monitored the air overhead for electric signals, indicating the imminence of lightning. Then, “right before nature takes its course, we shoot a rocket into the sky,” Dayeh said.
This turns probable lightning into a sure bet, and this particular experiment resulted in nine return strikes. “It’s actually a really good show when you’re so close,” he said. “It’s amazing.” When Dayeh says “close,” he’s not exaggerating: Launch operators are about 165 feet away from where the lightning hits the ground.
Next up, he said he hopes to answer more specific, detailed questions about these storm outcomes, for example how much electric current must be present for an acoustic signal to occur. “People report hearing different types of sounds, clicking, cracking [from thunder],” he said. “It’s not really just one loud boom that you hear.” Thanks to this research, maybe we’ll soon understand why.
And though it has little to do with the thunder visualization research, Dayeh is good-natured about answering one last question, whether thunder and lightning back to back indicates a storm’s close by. “If you see lightning followed by thunder right after,” he said, laughing, “you should not go outside.”
Dayeh presented his research at the joint meeting of American and Canadian geophysical societies in Montreal, Canada, May 3-7.
MORE: Amazing Images of Lightning Strikes
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