Friday, July 8, 2016

Weather Underground National Forecast for Friday,July 8,2016

By: nationalsummary , 10:00PM,GMT on July 7,2016

Weather Underground Forecast for Friday,July 8,2016

Active weather will impact areas from the Northeast to the central Plains on Friday, while wet weather and cool conditions spread over the Northwest.

An area of low pressure will move eastward from the upper Mississippi Valley to the eastern Great Lakes. This system will usher rain and thunderstorms across the upper Midwest and portions of the Northeast. A cold frontal boundary associated with this system will stretch southwestward from the lower Great Lakes to the southern high Plains. As this frontal system transitions eastward, it will interact with warm and humid air coming from the Gulf of Mexico. This interaction will lead to strong to severe thunderstorms across the Mid-Atlantic, the Midwest, the Tennessee Valley, the middle Mississippi Valley, the central Plains and the southern Plains. Severe thunderstorms will be possible in Kentucky, southern Indiana, Ohio, western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky and northern Tennessee. These thunderstorms will be capable of producing large hail, dangerous straight line winds and isolated tornadoes. In addition, a hot and humid air mass will remain in place across the southern Plains. Temperatures are forecast to exceed 100 degrees in western Texas, eastern New Mexico and Oklahoma.

Meanwhile, a Pacific cold front will shift over the Northwest. This system will bring rainy weather to the Pacific Northwest. Mixed precipitation will also be possible in the highest elevations of the Cascades. Scattered showers and thunderstorms will advance eastward over the northern high Plains by Friday evening.

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