Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Predicting Winter...In An Unusual Way

By: Dr. Marshall Shepherd , 1:22PM,GMT on November 18,2015

Everyone always wants to know what the winter is going to be like. Will we get more snow? Is it going to be colder than normal? These are common questions as we approach the winter solstice. During a significant El Nino, these questions become even more vigorous because there are well known teleconnection patterns associated with it that can affect our weather patterns. Many seasonal prediction approaches are anchored in such El Nino-related linkages.

However, Dr. Judah Cohen of AER has an entirely different approach to making seasonal predictions. His track record suggests that it works. We invited him to Weather Geeks to describe how he uses Siberian snow cover, Arctic Oscillation (AO), and the Polar Vortex (and trust me we use it correctly on the show) to predict some aspects of the United States winter. I also discuss how the processes that he uses affect interact or counter the El Nino impacts.

This show is fascinating and high on the "Geek-dex (Geek Index). There are certain shows and topics where I think to myself, "yep, that was perfect for WxGeeks." This show is one of them.

Be sure to watch Weather Geeks this Sunday at Noon ET (11 am CT, 10 am MT, 9 am PT) and tell a friend.

An if you missed it, we have an encore president the following week (November 29th) of one of our best and most watched shows. It features Drs Jon Martin and Greg Postel discussing the arctic cold pool and what its changes means for weather and climate.

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