Wednesday, March 19, 2014

National Weather Summary for March 19,2014 from

Weather Underground midday recap for Wednesday,March 19,2014

A winter storm brought snow to the Great Lakes region on Wednesday, while a cold front moved into the Pacific Northwest and triggered rain and mountain snow showers. A low pressure system moved over the Great Lakes and pulled moisture in from the east. This allowed for scattered snow showers to develop over the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, northern New York state, and across southeastern Canada. The rest of the region saw rain showers as temperatures remained above freezing. Rain showers have developed across southern Michigan and eastward through Pennsylvania. Rainfall totals ranged from a half of an inch to an inch, while snowfall totals reached over 5 inches in some parts of northern Michigan. Ironwood, Michigan reported 7.9 inches of snow on Wednesday.

Meanwhile out West, a low pressure system spinning in the Gulf of Alaska pushed a cold front into the Pacific Northwest. This allowed for scattered rain and snow showers to develop across Washington. Snowfall totals ranged from 6 to 8 inches above 3,000 feet, while rainfall totals varied around a half of an inch. The rest of the Western states and the Plains remained dry on Wednesday as high pressure dominated.

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