Sunday, April 5, 2015

Study: Distance from Equator Affects Flower Color

By Jason G. Goldman
April 5,2015; 6:44AM,EDT

Credit: Matthew Grapengieser/Flickr
In 1833 a German researcher named Constantin Lambert Gloger noticed that birds from warmer habitats had darker feathers than those from cooler climes. His observations soon became known as Gloger's rule; ornithologists later verified that tropical plumage indeed darkens closer to the equator. Mammals seem to fit the pattern as well. But why would latitude influence animal coloration? More than 180 years later a possible answer has emerged from a surprising place: flowers.
University of Pittsburgh biologists Matthew Koski and Tia-Lynn Ashman recently looked at 34 different populations of silverweed cinquefoil, a widespread plant native in temperate zones on both sides of the equator, and found that its flowers were darker near the tropics. In this case, "darker" meant they displayed larger "bull's-eyes"-dark circles surrounded by lighter petals that are invisible to the human eye but show up under ultraviolet (UV) light (below right).
The bull's-eyes may act as beacons to pollinating insects, which can perceive UV. But Koski and Ashman found there is more to the dark spots than that. In a laboratory experiment, they discovered that pollen from darker flowers was more likely to germinate when grown under harmful UV light than pollen from flowers that were lighter, with smaller bull's-eyes. The pigmentation is protective, according to the study published online in January in the journal Nature Plants: the larger the bull's-eye, the more UV light is absorbed, rather than being reflected onto the pollen. Absorption is more important for plants in lower latitudes, which face more intense UV rays. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.)

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