Thursday, June 9, 2016

Weather Underground National Forecast for Thursday,June 9,2016

By: nationalsummary , 10:00PM,GMT on June 8,2016

Weather Underground Forecast for Thursday,June 9,2016

A weak frontal system will move over the northern tier of the country on Thursday, while a cold front stalls out across the Gulf of Mexico.

An area of low pressure will push eastward over south central Canada. A cold frontal boundary associated with this system will stretch west southwestward over the Intermountain West and the Great Basin. This frontal system, combined with daytime heating, will generate showers and thunderstorms across the Intermountain West and parts of the Plains. A warm front extending east southeastward will also produce thunderstorms in the Midwest.

Meanwhile, a Pacific system will generate an onshore flow over the Pacific Northwest. Light showers and high elevation snow will be possible in Oregon and Washington. Conditions will stay warm and dry across most of the Southwest. Temperatures will spike above 100 degrees in the lower deserts of southern California, southern Nevada and Arizona.

To the east, a cold front will stall out over Florida and the northern Gulf of Mexico. This frontal boundary will be the focal point for rain and thunderstorms, which will develop along the Gulf Coast and the Florida Peninsula. Scattered showers will be possible in northern New England, while the remainder of the East Coast stays clear of wet weather.

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