Friday, November 13, 2015

NYC: Weekend to Finish Tranquil Ahead of Another Major Warmup

By , Senior Meteorologist
November 13,2015; 9:24PM,EST
Following a chilly and blustery start to the weekend, light winds are in store for New York City on Sunday, ahead of much warmer weather for the third week of November.
Fans heading to high school and college football games or getting a jump on holiday shopping through Saturday can expect chilly winds. Gusts can top 40 mph and result in airline delays as well as turbulence for airline passengers.
Chilly Blast for the Northeast
AccuWeather RealFeel® Temperatures will dip into the 30s at times through Saturday.
Sunday will bring the start of another strong warming trend that could feature 70-degree Fahrenheit temperatures on one or more days for the week ahead. The weather will be dry and mild for the NFL matchup between the Patriots and Giants in New Jersey.
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According to AccuWeather Chief Long Range Meteorologist Paul Pastelok, "Parts of the eastern half of the nation may challenge record highs during the third week of November."

Temperatures could rival records set as far back as the 1920s in Central Park.
"Areas along the Atlantic Seaboard may have some trouble with clouds and cool air off the ocean at times, but the overall pattern does not look winterlike in the East," Pastelok said.
As of Nov. 13, 2015, temperatures this month have averaged near 58 F or 8 degrees above normal in New York City.
Considering the warmth of the past couple of weeks and the upcoming warmth, this month could end up being one of the warmest Novembers on record. The warmest month on record at Central Park was in 2001, when temperatures averaged 52.1 F.

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