Sunday, March 23, 2014

National Weather Summary for March 23,2014 from

Weather Underground midday recap for Sunday,March 23,2014

A cold frontal boundary extended from southern Texas to the Mid-Atlantic on Sunday, while a wave of low pressure pushed across the Intermountain West.

A cold frontal boundary stretched from the southern Plains to the Mid-Atlantic on Sunday. As warm, muggy air from the Gulf of Mexico interacted with this frontal boundary, showers and thunderstorms developed over a handful of states from the southern Plains to the Carolinas. Starkville, Miss., reported a midday total of 0.79 inches of rain, while Milton, Fla., reported a midday total of 0.67 inches of rain. Meanwhile, a ridge of high pressure over the northern tier of the country drew an arctic air mass across the northern Plains, the upper Midwest and the Great Lakes. Cold, blustery conditions swept across the region, as Crane Lake, Minn., recorded a morning low of -25 degrees, while International Falls, Minn., recorded a morning low of -24 degrees.

A wave of low pressure trekked eastward over the upper Intermountain West on Sunday. Snow showers pushed across the northern Rockies, as Missoula, Mont., reported a midday total of 3.0 inches of snow. The West Coast stayed mostly clear of precipitation due to a ridge of high pressure along the coast of California. Temperatures ranged between the 70s and 80s across the Desert Southwest.

1 comment:

  1. m­­y c­­o-wo­­rker's si­­ster-i­­n-la­­w ma­­kes $8­­3 an hour o­­n t­­he inte­­rnet . Sh­­e h­as bee­n f­­ire­­d fo­r ni­ne mo­nth­s b­ut la­st mon­th he­r pa­yche­ck was $1­978­2 just wo­rking on the in­ternet for a fe­w hou­rs.
    look here.................................... w­w­w.w­o­r­ks3.c­o­m
