Sunday, March 23, 2014

Arctic Cold Returning to Midwest, East Despite Spring

By , Senior Meteorologist
March 23,2014; 9:08PM,EDT
Despite the official arrival of spring, temperatures over the next several days will feel more like January across the Midwest and East and will set the stage for snow in some communities.
The passage of a cold front has paved the way for fresh arctic air to erase the mild start to spring in the Midwest and East.
Gone is the warmth that sent temperatures into the 50s in Boston, 60s in New York City and 70s in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.
This cold spell will produce high and low temperatures on par with typical January readings (in terms of averages, not what was recorded during this past frigid January).

As another way to put the cold in perspective to late March, highs will be roughly 15 to 20 degrees below normal in the Midwest and Northeast and up to 25 degrees below normal in the Upper Midwest.
Forecast Temperature Maps
Ten Tips for Running in the Cold
Latest on the East Coast Spring Snowstorm Threat

By Wednesday, Duluth and International Falls, Minn., will experience at least two days of highs in the teens and subzero overnight lows this week.
Highs in the 20s will return to Minneapolis, Detroit and Chicago. Temperatures will be held to the 30s southward to St. Louis and Cincinnati on Tuesday.

Monday will be a cold day across the Northeast with highs in the teens and lower 20s across most of the St. Lawrence Valley, 20s southward to I-84 and 30s in Pittsburgh, New York City, Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
This latest arctic blast may set the stage for generally nuisance snow to spread across the Midwest Monday through Tuesday, while a eastern New England is facing the threat of a blizzard at midweek.
In the wake of the blizzard, Wednesday will feel even colder than Monday across the Northeast as blustery winds howl on the storm's backside.
Outdoor spring sports and activities are ramping up at the collegiate and high school levels, and the cold threatens to cause problems for participants and spectators.

"The cold could force the cancellation or postponement of some scheduled events," stated Meteorologist Mike Doll.
Athletes will be able to put the winter jackets, extra layers of clothing, hats and gloves they will need to keep themselves warm over the next several days back into the closet later this week with another brief surge of warmth expected.

On Social Media
Grant Williams
Arctic Cold Returning to Midwest, East Despite Spring… #globalwarming is freezing me to death!
Kelly Bates
Lots of clouds this morning with increasing sun this afternoon. Highs much cooler at 41. Arctic cold returns Monday with low 15 and high 30.
Kyle @Stormdesk
#EndlessWinter! RT @breakingweather: Arctic chill returning to Midwest, Northeast next week:
  • Doug Day · Pali
    Is Algore giving a speech somewhere nearby?
    • Des Morrissey · Raleigh, North Carolina
      Very clever dildohead
    • Mitch Kumstein · Top Commenter · Boston University
      Judy M. What a job!And you even get to lie down while you are working!
    • Michael Scott · Top Commenter
      Des Morrissey,

      It's "weather" when it's convenient, then it's "climate" when the argument fits, then you lofo frauds chide us about not knowing the difference.

      ANY science needs a control, a baseline, a reference. Post that, and stop playing "scientist" with Mann's proven to be failed models.

      Post the control, or be exposed as producing spurious results for political gain!

      Just be honest and tax people for existing. Tell them that their breath and their very existence on this earth requires a "toll" or a "fee" or other nice "revenue generating" terms, instead of this scam.

      The Vostok ice core data show these events are cyclical and we are entering into a cold sector THAT'S why you changed the name from Global Warming to Climate Change.

      Without the changes, and yes very extreme changes we would all fry or freeze.

      The more hysterical you hysterics get, the more you attack the very good people whom you hope to leech off of to pay to "fix it" the more you expose your scam.
    • Mitch Kumstein · Top Commenter · Boston University
      Judy M. What a job!And you even get to lie down while you are working!
    • Michael Scott · Top Commenter
      Des Morrissey,

      It's "weather" when it's convenient, then it's "climate" when the argument fits, then you lofo frauds chide us about not knowing the difference.

      ANY science needs a control, a baseline, a reference. Post that, and stop playing "scientist" with Mann's proven to be failed models.

      Post the control, or be exposed as producing spurious results for political gain!

      Just be honest and tax people for existing. Tell them that their breath and their very existence on this earth requires a "toll" or a "fee" or other nice "revenue generating" terms, instead of this scam.

      The Vostok ice core data show these events are cyclical and we are entering into a cold sector THAT'S why you changed the name from Global Warming to Climate Change.

      Without the changes, and yes very extreme changes we would all fry or freeze.

      The more hysterical you hysterics get, the more you attack the very good people whom you hope to leech off of to pay to "fix it" the more you expose your scam.
    • Peggy Rambo Anderson
      Michael Scott
    • Connie Fuller Wright · Top Commenter · Owner at Owner- Great Prospects Variety Mall Port Orchard since 1994
      Des Morrissey Oh yes, what a class act. Typical of childish liberals.....
    • Doug Day · Pali
      Des Morrissey Learn all about punctuation, boy.
  • Timothy L. Pennell · Top Commenter
    Ya gotta love a guy like Des Morrissey.

    He's not afraid to voice his opinions.

    And, as everyone knows: Opinions are like Desholes.

    Everybody's got one.
    • Trista Woods
      M­y l­a­­s­t p­a­y c­h­­e­c­k w­a­s $­8­­5­o­o ­w­o­r­k­i­n­g 1­o h­o­u­r­s a w­e­e­k o­n­l­i­n­e­. M­y y­o­u­n­g­e­r b­r­o­t­h­e­r f­r­i­e­n­d h­a­s b­e­e­n a­v­e­r­a­g­i­n­g 1­2­k f­o­r m­o­n­t­h­s ­n­o­w a­n­d h­e w­o­r­k­s a­b­o­u­t 2­2 h­o­u­r­s a w­e­e­k­. I c­a­n­'­t b­e­l­i­e­v­e h­o­w e­a­s­y i­t w­a­s o­n­c­e I t­r­i­e­d i­t o­u­t­. T­h­i­s i­s w­h­a­t I d­o.­.­.­.­.

    • Trista Woods
      M­y l­a­­s­t p­a­y c­h­­e­c­k w­a­s $­8­­5­o­o ­w­o­r­k­i­n­g 1­o h­o­u­r­s a w­e­e­k o­n­l­i­n­e­. M­y y­o­u­n­g­e­r b­r­o­t­h­e­r f­r­i­e­n­d h­a­s b­e­e­n a­v­e­r­a­g­i­n­g 1­2­k f­o­r m­o­n­t­h­s ­n­o­w a­n­d h­e w­o­r­k­s a­b­o­u­t 2­2 h­o­u­r­s a w­e­e­k­. I c­a­n­'­t b­e­l­i­e­v­e h­o­w e­a­s­y i­t w­a­s o­n­c­e I t­r­i­e­d i­t o­u­t­. T­h­i­s i­s w­h­a­t I d­o.­.­.­.­.

    • Trista Woods
      M­y l­a­­s­t p­a­y c­h­­e­c­k w­a­s $­8­­5­o­o ­w­o­r­k­i­n­g 1­o h­o­u­r­s a w­e­e­k o­n­l­i­n­e­. M­y y­o­u­n­g­e­r b­r­o­t­h­e­r f­r­i­e­n­d h­a­s b­e­e­n a­v­e­r­a­g­i­n­g 1­2­k f­o­r m­o­n­t­h­s ­n­o­w a­n­d h­e w­o­r­k­s a­b­o­u­t 2­2 h­o­u­r­s a w­e­e­k­. I c­a­n­'­t b­e­l­i­e­v­e h­o­w e­a­s­y i­t w­a­s o­n­c­e I t­r­i­e­d i­t o­u­t­. T­h­i­s i­s w­h­a­t I d­o.­.­.­.­.

  • Rodney Morris · Top Commenter
    when exactly did "global warming" become "climate change"?
    hint: when they figured out that they don't know that they're talking about.
    expecting a knock on my door at 2 AM...
  • Bill Wolfe · Top Commenter · Middletown High
    Gotta love the Global Warming IDIOTS! oh excuse me The Climate Change IDIOTS!
    • Andrew James Sturgill · Daytona Beach State College
      I really just need to keep this copied somewhere: Just because the tiny bit of atmosphere above your smug little head is colder than average does not negate the real factor of Climate change. This past winter was WARMER than average GLOBALLY. You know that part of existence outside your small understanding??
    • Bill Wolfe · Top Commenter · Middletown High
      Andrew James Sturgill Oh yeah keep on believing the crap. What a bunch of Morons.
    • Michael Scott · Top Commenter
      Joe Ebert,

      Weather when they want - climate when it suites them better. No control, no reference, no baseline, just Mann's PROVEN TO BE WRONG REPEATEDLY models, and other fellow cultists who need the funding who all "peer review" each other and then repeatedly claim the debate is over.
    • Michael Scott · Top Commenter
      Joe Ebert,

      Weather when they want - climate when it suites them better. No control, no reference, no baseline, just Mann's PROVEN TO BE WRONG REPEATEDLY models, and other fellow cultists who need the funding who all "peer review" each other and then repeatedly claim the debate is over.
    • Michael Scott · Top Commenter
      Joe Ebert,

      Mann's models have. His temp predictions were so wildly off they have been retracted. And as usual - no control - no baseline - no reference for what should be normal. This site contains just some news and info - It's by no means the end all of info for me on this subject. I worked at NASA Ames for years. There are more that post their findings for honest peer review, like
    • Frederick R Fleischmann · Top Commenter
      Joe, also the 'changers' assume the devices used to measure the data were as accurate 130 years ago as they are today. Back inthe day the thermometers were filled with mercury of varing quality and had varing quality of construction. Not to mention the locations of the measurements themselves has changed drastically. In some cases what was open fieldas has become concrete parking lots.

      First, there simply isn't enough accurate data to make the conclusions they are making and warrent the trillions of spending they demand. Second, the conclusions are more suspect when we find the original British data was been hacked, manipulated, and hidden from peer review. Third, now we find the actual data sets are no longer available. Finally, any criticism draws personal attacks instead of facts.
    • Michael Scott · Top Commenter
      Frederick R Fleischmann And why do they insist they stop at that point? When data like the Vostok ice cores gets rolled out, the excuses vary from, "well thermometers then weren't used, so we'll disregard all that data. " to "well that's not the same form of measure."

      The claim is that they want to be consistent with measurement standards yet they move the bar back and forth from climate to weather when ever it suits them, ESPECIALLY since they refuse go back beyond a hundred twenty five years or so.

      This means their ONLY form of measure is WEATHER yet they call it Climate Change.
    • Matt Wright · United States Marine Corps
    • Vince Kondo · Founder at Market Edge Metrics
      Absolutely 10-4 on that. Looking at Global averages(yes GLOBAL data) a steady increase in Average temperatures have been seen on a consistent basis commensurate with the advent of the carbon era. It's really simple science folks-otherwise the so called "greenhouse effect" would have a more esoteric name. You just cannot get around the laws of physics. Increased C02 levels in the atmosphere will inevitably bring an increase average temperature globally.

      Classic case of the Gamblers fallacy. Everyday there are tons of jackpots that are being won in Vegas but as a whole the Casinos make $$$. The cold winter that the East coast has had is simply a variation from the average nothing more as the overall picture for the 2013-4 winter has been one of the warmest in history globally including the anomalously cold winter localized to the eastern US.
    • Grant McGuire · Top Commenter · Western Connecticut State University
      Andrew James Sturgill These morons amaze me. They don't realize that energy companies position global warming as a hoax, simply because they fear profits may dip. It's corporate greed at it's worst, placing profits ahead of the planet.
  • Keith Woodard · Top Commenter · CEO & Founder at KWITS, LLC
    Maybe this Spring, we can use the word Wintering instead. It will be funny if Weather Channel creates a name for the next Winter-type storm in Spring.
    • Marie Ciliberti · Top Commenter · Kensington, Maryland
      They've gone through the entire alphabet already up to Zeus. Or is that Zenobia.? Or Zoroaster? Or Zombie? BTW, and this is not a conspiracy theory, the daily projected temperatures broadcast by Weather Channel are consistently ten or more desgree above the actual. We've been keeping track.
    • Keith Woodard · Top Commenter · CEO & Founder at KWITS, LLC
      Marie Ciliberti, I am curious when the term of "weather" will in the end out live its usefulness and become Climate Change but on the cooling end.
    • Michael Scott · Top Commenter
      Keith Woodard They're doing it now! "Weather" when it's cold - "climate" when it's hot. Then they want to lecture us like we don't know the difference. It's all spurious data without a control (proven normal temp).
    • Keith Woodard · Top Commenter · CEO & Founder at KWITS, LLC
      Michael Scott, I remember when Hurricane Katrina was nominated as the central symbol for Climate Change, a single weather event.
    • Grant McGuire · Top Commenter · Western Connecticut State University
      Weather changes day-to-day. Climate refers to long-term trends that can last for years, decades, etc.
  • Patrick Klocek · Top Commenter · Teacher at Oberoi International School
    Because Chicago and Detroit are majority-minority cities, we are left with the only scientifically sound conclusion; the climate is RACIST!
  • Keith Woodard · Top Commenter · CEO & Founder at KWITS, LLC
    I am waiting on Accuweather's pronouncement of this past February as one of the hottest months in recorded history.
    • Michael Scott · Top Commenter
      Paul Grajnert,

      That's completely false. Maybe via more weather station island effects again. And the southern hemisphere has been worse (SOME hot spots) but worse - below average. For example more Antarctic ice than ever!
    • Michael Scott · Top Commenter
      Paul Grajnert,

      That's completely false. Maybe via more weather station island effects again. And the southern hemisphere has been worse (SOME hot spots) but worse - below average. For example more Antarctic ice than ever!
  • Juan Concepcion · · Works at Marshalls
    question why spring is a volatile month?

1 comment:

  1. m­­y c­­o-wo­­rker's si­­ster-i­­n-la­­w ma­­kes $8­­3 an hour o­­n t­­he inte­­rnet . Sh­­e h­as bee­n f­­ire­­d fo­r ni­ne mo­nth­s b­ut la­st mon­th he­r pa­yche­ck was $1­978­2 just wo­rking on the in­ternet for a fe­w hou­rs.
    look here.................................... w­w­w.w­o­r­ks3.c­o­m
