John Hopewell
Published: March 6,2017

A police officer rides a bicycle on a snow covered field in front of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.
most people think of Japan they conjure up images of raw fish on rice
or karate. But when hardcore skiers and snowboarders think of Japan
their minds drift to snow, and lots of it. Thanks to “ocean effect”
(also called “sea effect”) snow and mountains reaching 10,000 feet,
hundreds of inches of powder are dumped along the northwest side of
Japan every winter. It is estimated that up to 1,500 inches falls in the
highest terrain, making it arguably the snowiest place on Earth.
Onsen in Aomori Prefecture, sitting at an elevation of 2,900 feet,
collects more snow every year on than any other official reporting
station in the world. In a typical winter observers record a
mind-boggling 695 inches. But ocean effect snow also pummels large
cities at sea level. Every year the two million residents residing in
Sapporo have to cope with around 20 feet of the white stuff. And when
the snow machine really gets cranking, intense snowfall rates can occur –
68 inches once fell in a 24-hour period in Tsukayama.

wild monkeys known as 'snow monkeys' bathe in a hot spring at the
Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park in Yamanouchi town, Nagano prefecture,
what exactly is ocean effect? It’s created by the same process as lake
effect snow except the ocean is the moisture source. Japan is an island,
to the east lies the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. To its west is the
Sea of Japan, and beyond that is freezing cold Siberia. In the winter
when frigid Siberian air masses cross the relatively warm Sea of Japan,
an incredible amount of moisture evaporates from the surface of the
ocean forming clouds. Eventually these clouds start to precipitate,
usually in the form of snow. And when they encounter the formidable
Japanese Alps and are forced higher into the atmosphere, the mountains
wring out everything they’ve got.Japan is not the only place
in the world that experiences ocean effect snow. The northern coast of
Turkey can see several feet of snow generated by cold winds blowing over
the warmer Black Sea. Istanbul has at least one ocean effect snow event
every year. And the east coast of England can get in on the action when
cold continental air from Europe pours in over the unfrozen North Sea.
The phenomenon can also form in the open ocean and not impact land at
all. This happens when cold air blows off the east coast of North
America and interacts with the Gulf Stream.
In 1927 a world record
settled snow depth of 465 inches was measured on Mt. Ibuki. That’s as
tall as a four story building. There is so much snow that the Tateyama
Kurobe Alpine Route, which is kept open with snow blowers tunneling all
winter, has become a tourist attraction. And if you want to see it for
yourself, peak season is January to March.
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on breaking weather news, the environment and the importance of science
to our lives. This story does not necessarily represent the position of
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