Friday, September 16, 2016

Typhoon Meranti's path in Asia to signal warm official start to autumn in eastern US

By , Senior Meteorologist
September 16,2016; 9:57PM,EDT
More warmth is in store for the eastern half of the United States during much of the balance of September, due to the path of Typhoon Meranti in Asia.
"Cool shots, like the one in the northeastern U.S. late this past week, will be brief up until around the end of the month," according to AccuWeather Long-Range Meteorologist Mike Doll.
Cool air will generally be bottled up near and north of the Canada border.

"It will not be until around the last week of September, when a large and long-lasting push of cool air may be felt," Doll said.
As normal temperatures trend downward during the month, actual temperatures will climb to above-average levels during multiple days this weekend and next week in many areas.
The warmth will continue past the first official day of Autumn, which is Thursday, Sept. 22.
High temperatures during multiple days will be in the 80s F in cities such as New York City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Nashville, Indianapolis, Cleveland and St. Louis. It is possible some locations in the South, mid-Atlantic and the Midwest flirt with 90 on one or more days. Temperatures can reach 80 or higher in Boston during a few days.
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The warm surge during the middle and latter part of next week will be largely fueled by the path of Meranti, which blasted Taiwan on Wednesday and made landfall in China early Thursday, local time.

Meranti moved inland over China this past week.
When tropical storms and typhoons fail to re-curve to the east and away from Asia, the corresponding weather pattern across the Pacific and North America favors a buildup of warmth in the eastern part of the U.S. six to 10 days later.
The path of Meranti, while a typhoon and tropical storm, correlates to the warmth forecast for the middle and latter part of next week.
Conversely, when tropical storms and typhoons take the curved path and avoid hitting mainland Asia, the weather pattern thousands of miles farther to the east tends to deliver much cooler weather in the eastern U.S. six to 10 days later.

"One such typhoon, Malakas, is projected to curve away from Asia this weekend into early next week, which would set into motion much cooler air in the eastern U.S. just prior to the end of September," Doll said.

Mary Brewer ·

It's rainy and foggy here in calumet Michigan.
Floyd Kaminski ·
Hate cold weather and there is nothing good about it . Cost to heat the house, bad driving , shovel snow till you could get a heart attack have to dress up so much to keep warm walk around like you got some stuck up your butt because it being icy out. Now what the good part of winter?
Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs
Michael Jacobs
Me too, so I live where we don't have that.
Like · Reply · 5 hrs
Debbie Brunell
Michael Jacobs even if i don't agree with the weather you like, thank you for doing what i have been telling people for years, MOVE TO THE CLIMATE THAT IS BEST FOR YOU. and let me enjoy the cold northeast in peace.
Like · Reply · 3 hrs
Spencer Lee Trick ·
I don't believe that
Jamal Noylou Legette
Im ready for winter and snow.
Like · Reply · 1 · 21 hrs
Kimmy Sorensen
Yes a hurricane csn predict the weather better than a weather man
Tony Shaffer ·
Consistantly in the 90s here in Tennessee... throughout the entire state.
Cheryl Marriage
Bummer.I'm tired of hot humid weather in southern Indiana.
Emery Rudolph ·
I am certainly one of those Summer lovers. Long days of sunlight, life of green all around, nature is alive and beautiful. No colds, no flu, no huge pneumonia outbreaks, no need to bundle up and warm up the car, no scraping ice off the car or sliding down a hill of packed snow and ice. Winter is dark, dead and bleak. A huge price to pay for not having to sweat!
Kelly Styron Shelley
Some of us don't get sick in winter.
Like · Reply · 4 · Sep 15, 2016 7:52pm
Debbie Brunell
winter is only dark, dead and bleak if you choose to see it that way. and people do get colds and flu in summer!
Like · Reply · 5 · Sep 15, 2016 8:16pm · Edited
Nathan Wira ·
It is dark grey all Winter. No leave's on trees flu is more common in the Winter.
Like · Reply · Sep 15, 2016 8:31pm
Emery Rudolph ·
Debbie Brunell - No, it quite literally is darker by many hours. Also, you are correct that people do catch colds and flu in the summer, but according to the CDC, it is statistically non-existent during the Summer.
Like · Reply · Sep 15, 2016 8:41pm
Debbie Brunell
Emery Rudolph i was talking metaphoricaly ( i know it get literally darker one of the many things i love about fall/winter) and you can throw all the stats you want at me but people still get sick in summer,
Like · Reply · 2 · Sep 15, 2016 9:27pm · Edited
Nathan Wira ·
I get sick of Winter in September
Like · Reply · 1 · Sep 15, 2016 9:30pm
Debbie Brunell
Nathan Wira ok how about heat stroke , skin cancer , people who die from bee stings, ticks, mosquitoes the carry west nile virus in that magical season called summer!
Like · Reply · 2 · Sep 15, 2016 9:36pm
Nathan Wira ·
Obesity is higher in places where it is cold. People die much earlier due to being inside. Frostbite, freeze to death, seniors breaking bones. If I want to have Netflix and chill I can go to the beach or a bike ride or snorkeling tomorrow when it is warm. I don't need to go to the gym I can get some fresh air and go for a walk
Like · Reply · 1 · Sep 15, 2016 9:44pm
Nathan Wira ·
Debbie Brunell I have been attached by bee's an entire hive. I love walking and swimming with nature.
Like · Reply · Sep 15, 2016 9:49pm
Nathan Wira ·
All the Winter lovers talk about is sitting inside. Outside activity keeps people healthier.
Like · Reply · Sep 15, 2016 9:55pm
Debbie Thomas ·
Most of my worst colds have been when we had mild Falls.
Like · Reply · Sep 15, 2016 9:57pm
Nathan Wira ·
Debbie Thomas Winter is miserable during the winter love having it pushed back hopefully to May.
Like · Reply · 1 · Sep 15, 2016 9:59pm

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