Weather History
For Tuesday,August 23,2016
For Tuesday,August 23,2016
- Thunderstorms deluged Kansas City, MO, with six inches of rain during
the early morning, including nearly three inches in thirty minutes.
(The Kansas City Weather Almanac)
1921 - Denver, CO, was drenched with 2.20 inches of rain in one hour, a record for that location. (The Weather Channel)
- The Chesapeake-Potomac hurricane moved over Norfolk VA and Washington
D.C. A tide seven feet above normal flooded businesses in Norfolk, and
damage in Maryland was estimated at seventeen million dollars. (David
- Dry thunderstorms ignited more than one hundred fires in the
Wenatchee and Okanogan National Forests of Washington State. Hot, dry,
and windy weather spread the fires, a few of which burned out of control
through the end of the month. More than 100,000 acres burned. (The
Weather Channel)
- A cold front brought autumn-like weather to the Northern and Central
Plains Region. Afternoon highs were in the 50s and 60s across parts of
Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska that just two days earlier were in the 90s
or above 100 degrees. Thunderstorms produced locally heavy rain in New
Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. (The National Weather Summary)
- Thunderstorms produced hail an inch in diameter, wind gusts to 64
mph, and 2.62 inches of rain at Tucson AZ resulting in three million
dollars damage. Cool weather prevailed in the northeastern U.S. Hartford
CT reported a record low of 42 degrees. (The National Weather Summary)
(Storm Data)
- Thunderstorms produced heavy rain with flash flooding in West
Virginia. Pickens, WV, reported 4.80 inches of rain in 24 hours. Evening
thunderstorms in Mississippi deluged Alta Woods with 4.25 inches of
rain in less than an hour. Thunderstorms also produced heavy rain in
southeastern Kentucky, and flooding was reported along Big Creek and
along Stinking Creek. The Stinking Creek volunteer fire department
reported water levels 12 to 14 feet above bankfull. Fort Worth TX hit
the 100 degree mark for the first time all year. Strong winds ushering
cool air into northwest Utah gusted to 70 mph, raising clouds of dust in
the salt flats. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
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