Published: April 17,2017
Rain and thunderstorms swept through south Texas Monday morning, but that wasn't the only thing detected by Doppler radar.
Traffic moving along Interstate 37 between Corpus Christi and San Antonio was also spotted, as the National Weather Service pointed out. You can see this in the narrow line of pink and light blue shadings in the animation below well northwest of Corpus Christi between the town labels for Mathis and Edroy.
In cases with a warm layer of air just above the surface, and relatively cool air near the surface, radar can detect traffic, most commonly at night. When this happens, the radar beam is ducted, or bent downward, following the curvature of the Earth, rather than its normal path shooting up higher and higher, reflecting off things such as highway traffic. Another example of this occurred on Interstate 20 near Dallas-Fort Worth during July 2016.
This isn't the only non-weather feature radar can detect. Here are 15 other things we've seen in recent years.
1) Ski Resort Chairlift
Doppler radar in Montana detected an unusual feature on April 10, 2017 as a small area of orange and red echoes made an appearance southwest of Billings in calm weather conditions.The small blip of radar activity was investigated by the National Weather Service (NWS) in Billings after a Twitter user asked them what it may have been. It was determined that the radar activity was likely associated with chairlifts at the Red Lodge Mountain ski area.

2.) Gaggle of Geese
As the International Space Station soared southeastward across the evening sky Feb. 15, 2017 in northeastern Arkansas, the National Weather Service office in Memphis, Tennessee, spotted a large flock of geese on radar, which appeared to be chasing the ISS.The grayish-colored reflectivity appearing in the two-hour radar loop above, spanning from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. CST on Feb. 15, indicates the gaggle of geese flying over northeastern Arkansas in hopes of catching up with the ISS. In reality, they can't physically catch it since the ISS is in space and the geese are likely flying just a few thousand feet above the Earth's surface.
A couple hours later, NWS-Memphis checked on the geese again. The determined animals had slipped below the main Memphis radar beam but were spotted by a smaller tower radar near the Mississippi River in Tunica, Mississippi.
3. Birds Inside the Eye of Hurricane Hermine
As Hurricane Hermine made landfall along Florida's Gulf coast in early September 2016, radar detected an interesting phenomenon: birds trapped flying inside the calm eye of Hermine.
We've seen this occur one other time in recent years during another U.S. hurricane landfall. Birds were detected on radar in the eye of Arthur as it moved near the coast of North Carolina in 2014.
4. Mayfly Hatch

(National Weather Service La Crosse, Wisconsin.)
This happened most recently on the evening of July 26, 2016, where it usually does right along the Mississippi River near the Minnesota and Wisconsin border. The mayflies often emerge in enormous numbers, allowing radar to detect them.
You can see the recent hatch in the image above in the green echoes from near the label for the city of La Crosse southward along the river.
5. The Bat Signal

Each circle on the map shows an emerging bat colony detected by radar as they depart for the evening to feast on insects. This is a common summertime occurrence in central Texas.
6. Swarming Termites
7. Birds Along Nebraska's Platte River

8. Grasshoppers and Beetles
Grasshoppers and beetles detected by radar near the border between Texas and Oklahoma on July 22, 2015.
green and yellow radar echoes in this image from July 22, 2015, show
grasshoppers and beetles detected by radar near the border between Texas
and Oklahoma, according to a tweet sent by the NWS office in Norman, Oklahoma. Since the radar is very sensitive, you would not see a huge swarm at ground level, the NWS said.
9. Monarch Butterfly Migration

(National Weather Service Reno, Nevada)
10. Birds Migrating

Niziol says, "On the animation above I have penciled in what I describe as 'bird front' to outline the leading edge of the bird migration as it heads from the south shores of both Lakes Erie and Ontario across the water just after sunset."
You can read Tom's full article on this subject here.
11. Departing Train
This is similar to how radar detected the interstate traffic earlier in this article.
12. Bugs

13. Military Exercises

14. California's Springs Fire

15. Wind Farm Interference

(NWS Milwaukee/Sullivan)
"A small part of the electromagnetic energy radar beam sent from the radar is reflected back by the rotating turbines," the NWS said. "The radar processes this 'returned energy' as an area of precipitation and plots it accordingly on the map," which you can see circled in yellow.
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