Wednesday, November 4, 2015

What It's Like In The Strongest Hurricane (Patricia) on Record

By: Dr. Marshall Shepherd , 1:46PM,GMT on November 4,2015

I hate to use the term "Must Watch" because it sounds manufactured and steeped in hype. However, if you are a weather geek, enthusiast, or professional, these words apply for Sunday's episode of Weather Geeks.

We recently witnessed the strongest hurricane on record, Hurricane Patricia. It made landfall in Mexico and had many of us in awe as it rapidly intensified (see my discussion at Forbes).

Believe it or not, after the storm made landfall, some had the audacity to say the storm was over-hyped or didn't warrant the coverage. Are you kidding me?

On the show this Sunday, I am joined by Hurricane Chaser Josh Morgerman of Josh was there in Mexico and in the storm. Josh says this storm may have pushed him to his limit, and when you hear his story and see the video, you will understand. You will also understand why discussions of an over-hyped storm are ridiculous.

Josh has chased storms all over the world including Supertyphoon Haiyan. He has been in 25 eyewalls. I ask him about all of his experiences, challenges, and motivations. Did I mention how amazing some of the video on this episode is?

You will not regret turning over to the Weather Channel for this episode of WxGeeks.

Be sure to watch Weather Geeks this Sunday at Noon ET (11 am CT, 10 am MT, 9 am PT) and tell a friend.

Also, keep your eyes open for some amazing forthcoming episodes:

November 15th: Dr. Kim Cobb (Georgia Tech) discusses Paleoclimate, Coral, and Global Bleaching

November 22nd: Dr. Judah Cohen (AER) discusses Seasonal Predictions and Polar Vortex Relationships

Follow @WxGeeksTWC or @DrShepherd2013 on Twitter.

Find us on Facebook at WxGeeks (Link) or Dr. Marshall Shepherd (Link)

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