Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tropical System Not Likely to Develop Quickly in Gulf; Flooding Threat Remains

By , Expert Senior Meteorologist
June 3,2014; 8:27PM,EDT
An area of disturbed weather over the southwestern Gulf of Mexico is going nowhere fast this week but will bring unsettled conditions for days to the region. Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Boris has formed in the Eastern Pacific.
Clouds, showers and thunderstorms have replaced sunshine in the vicinity of the Yucatan Peninsula and much of southern Mexico this week versus last week.
Moisture and a broad area of low pressure are forecast to continue to hover over the southwestern Gulf of Mexico, known as the Bay of Campeche this week into next week.

According to AccuWeather Hurricane Expert Dan Kottlowski, "We do not see any significant tropical system forming in the Bay of Campeche this week."
The area of low pressure over the southwestern Gulf of Mexico was competing with Tropical Storm Boris nearby on the Pacific side of Central America.

While Boris is forecast gather some strength as a tropical storm into Wednesday it will weaken rapidly after moving onshore into southern Mexico.

Boris will break up over mountainous terrain late this week and into the weekend but some moisture could later feed the system over the Bay of Campeche.
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The combination of the Gulf and Pacific features will bring an uptick in tropical downpours in part of southeastern Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. While some rain is needed in the region, the potential for flash flooding would increase into the weekend over the region.
"There is a small chance that the low pressure area over the southwestern Gulf of Mexico could become organized into a tropical system next week," Kottlowski said.
Steering winds are very light in the region and would tend to keep any low pressure area bottled up in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico through this week.
Until then the area will be affected by clouds, sporadic heavy rainfall and isolated gusty thunderstorms but explosive tropical development on the Atlantic side is not likely.

On Social Media
Russell Lewis
Tropical Storm Boris has spun up near Mexico. Biggest threat is flooding & mudslides.@NHC_Pacific pic.twitter.com/8JBR4EC8b6
The National Hurricane Center says there is an area in the Gulf of Mexico with a 10% chance of tropical development 1.usa.gov/9p2lp2
Ian Peter Molony
It's a little young to be imposing gender roles on just yet. NHC: Area in Gulf of Mexico has 10 percent chance of tropical development.

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