Tuesday, November 5, 2013

National Weather Summary for November 5,2013 from weatherunderground.com

Weather Underground midday recap for Tuesday,November 5,2013

Winter weather advisories were issued across the northern Plains and upper Midwest on Tuesday, while a cold front inched closer to the Pacific Northwest Coast.

A cold frontal boundary stretched from Arizona to Michigan on Tuesday, which provided moderate to heavy precipitation over the central third of the country. Winter weather advisories were issued in Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin as snow showers rolled through the region. Elsmere, Neb., reported a midday total of 2.0 inches of snow, while Madison, S.D., reported a midday total of 1.57 inches of snow. Moderate to heavy rain also accompanied this cold front, which impacted several states. Hays, Kan., reported a midday total of 1.01 inches of rain, while Palacios, Texas, reported a midday total of 0.92 inches of rain. Cold temperatures also followed this cold front, which stretched across the Intermountain West and northern Plains. West Yellowstone, Mont., recorded a morning low of -2 degrees, while Craig, Colo., recorded a morning low of 1 degree. The eastern third of the country stayed clear of precipitation on Tuesday due to a ridge of high pressure over the region.

A separate cold front approached the Pacific Northwest coast on Tuesday, which brought light showers to western Washington and northwestern Oregon. The Southwest stayed clear of wet weather as high pressure lingered along the coast of California.

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