By: By Laura Dattaro
Published: November 5,2013
But the book is not just pretty pictures. Arthus-Bertrand uses captions and interviews with experts to show how satellite images can help us keep an eye on global issues ranging from food supply to movement of oil spills to prison camps that North Korea tries to keep secret. “Tools such as Google Earth are embarrassing for North Korean authorities, who deny the existence of prison camps,” Amnesty International’s Christoph Koettl says in one of the book’s interviews. “Thanks to these images, more and more people around the world are aware of this reality.”
NASA and European space technology company Astrium provided the images. Click through the slideshow above to see 10 of the best.
MORE: Earth at Night
Early on August 29, 2012, the Visible Infrared
Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Suomi-NPP satellite captured
this nighttime view of Hurricane Isaac and the cities near the Gulf
Coast of the United States. The clouds were lit by moonlight. (Courtesy:
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